<Swing Dev> [9] Review request for 8157065: There is no the focus border on the selected tab.
Alexandr Scherbatiy
alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Tue Sep 13 17:25:14 UTC 2016
On 9/13/2016 7:38 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> On 9/13/2016 7:21 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>> On 9/12/2016 10:42 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>> On 9/12/2016 9:48 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>> On 9/12/2016 7:52 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>> On 9/12/2016 6:50 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>> On 9/12/2016 6:42 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>> GTKPainter does not implement a lot of methods which can be
>>>>>>> accessed by public API. Could you, please, explain, why this
>>>>>>> specific method is more important than, for example,
>>>>>>> paintToolBarContentBackground() or paintToggleButtonBorder(), or
>>>>>>> all other unimplemented?
>>>>>>> In general, how do you separate public API methods of the
>>>>>>> SynthPainter class into two sets: the first set that *should be*
>>>>>>> over-riden and the second set of methods that *should not be*
>>>>>>> overr-riden? Are there any systematic criterium for that
>>>>>>> differentiation?
>>>>>> All the same methods with different number of arguments which
>>>>>> do not fall to overridden implementation should be overridden to
>>>>>> provide proper implementation.
>>>>> Where I can read about this rule for SynthPainter? And it
>>>>> obviously is not true.
>>>> This is a usual rule for public methods which can be used by an
>>>> external application.
>>>>> There are a lot of methods that are not over-riden in GTKPainter.
>>>>> I even wrote an examples above.
>>>> The SynthPainter.paintToolBarContentBackground(..., orientation)
>>>> calls SynthPainter.paintToolBarContentBackground(...) without the
>>>> orientation and the GTKPainter .paintToolBarContentBackground
>>>> overrides the method without the orientation. So calls to
>>>> gtkPainter.paintToolBarContentBackground(..., orientation) falls
>>>> down to the overriden method in GTKPainter.
>>>> The same is for SynthPainter.paintProgressBarBackground(...,
>>>> orientation) and paintScrollBarBackground(..., orientation) methods.
>>>> The SynthPainter has only one paintToggleButtonBorder() method.
>>> Interesting rule... I thought that more specific method version may
>>> have different implementation.
>> It was done for historical reason. For example before the fix
>> JDK-5033822 "Synth ScrollBar paintTrack() dosn't support orientation"
>> there was only paintScrollBarBackground() method without the
>> orientation in the SynthPainter class.
>> After the fix the paintScrollBarBackground() method with the
>> orientation is added which default implementation just calls the same
>> method without the orientation because old user's subclasses can
>> override the method without the orientation an not be aware about new
>> method version.
>>> What would you say about paintSeparatorBackground() ?
>>> It's (..., orientation) version is over-ridden while the generic
>>> version is not over-ridden.
>> I guess that it is just a bug.
> Not sure. GTKPainter has never been providing a systematic API from
> the beginning. It is not for an arbitrary external use, because the
> resulting painting will be unpredictable. I explained this in this
> thread many times. And even if I would like to provide this useless
> method implementation
It is a part of the public SynthPainter API and can be called by an
external application.
> I were not able to do this because the orientation is a required
> parameter to paint the GTK tab border.
The overridden method without the orientation can just call the
overridden method with orientation passing a default orientation value.
> --Semyon
>> Thanks,
>> Alexandr.
>>> --Semyon
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexandr.
>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Alexandr.
>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>> On 9/12/2016 6:20 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>>> The paintTabbedPaneTabBorder() without orientation should be
>>>>>>>> implemented as well because it can be accessed by public API.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Alexandr.
>>>>>>>> On 6/3/2016 10:54 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 6/3/2016 10:34 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 03.06.16 22:21, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> What reason? Why it is not public? since I provided the
>>>>>>>>>>>> code example
>>>>>>>>>>>> where these methods are accessed by the user?
>>>>>>>>>>> GTK toollkit painting sequence is very different.
>>>>>>>>>> What does it mean "different"? Even in this fix you implement
>>>>>>>>>> one of the method according to the spec and skip the same
>>>>>>>>>> method for some unknown reason.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I still did not get why an overload method should have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same behavior
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as its associates. This is a brand new design principle
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've never heard
>>>>>>>>>>>>> before.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...........
>>>>>>>>>>> That's nice...
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any other concerns?
>>>>>>>>>> I still do not understand why the first method with default
>>>>>>>>>> orientation is not implemented.
>>>>>>>>> I guess you meant "is not over-ridden". :) Once again: because
>>>>>>>>> it is never used.
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