<Swing Dev> Input requested: add removeAllElements default method to MutableComboBoxModel

Robin Stevens robin.stevens at scz.be
Tue Apr 4 07:22:47 UTC 2017


I would like to add a default method to the MutableComboBoxModel interface:

default void removeAllElements(){ ...}

The reason to do this is that JComboBox has a removeAllItems() method which
works very well when the model of the combo box is a DefaultComboBoxModel.

However, when you use a plain MutableComboBoxModel the elements are removed
one by one and corresponding events are fired. Depending on the size of the
model, this can have a huge performance impact.

The implementation of the default model would have the same behavior as
what is currently done in JComboBox#removeAllItems (removing them one by

Before I start working on this, I wanted to check whether:

a) I can just log an issue in the issue tracker and start working on this,
or whether API changes have some other kind of process I need to follow

b) anybody on this mailing list has an objection against this proposal


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