<Swing Dev> Input requested: add removeAllElements default method to MutableComboBoxModel

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Fri Apr 7 16:19:07 UTC 2017

Since this proposal is (must be) destined for JDK10, and the intention 
is that the new
"open" process be used for all 10 proposals, then this must wait until 
that new
process is rolled out. The hope is that it will be soon-ish (a few weeks).


On 4/6/17, 9:21 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> Hi, Robin.
>> Before I start working on this, I wanted to check whether:
>> a) I can just log an issue in the issue tracker and start working on this, or whether API changes have some other kind of process I need to follow
> Yes, you can create a new CR, make a fix and send it to review.
> When a technical review will be complete we will need to get a ccc approval for a new API. I guess I am (or someone else) can sponsor this, because this process still internal (but will be open soon).
>> b) anybody on this mailing list has an objection against this proposal
>> Thanks,
>> Robin

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