<Swing Dev> [9] Review Request: 8177450: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript ignores a character after commend end

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Sun Apr 9 18:41:40 UTC 2017

No more comments. That's fine.


On 4/9/17, 11:24 AM, Mikhail Cherkasov wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Do you have any other comments about the fix?
> Thanks,
> Mikhail.
> On 4/6/2017 10:59 AM, Mikhail Cherkasov wrote:
>> I re-named the test: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcherkas/8177450/9/webrev.02
>> On 4/5/2017 11:46 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>> Ok. Sorry there is one more thing.
>>> I know its a sustaining habit but we've previously advised to stop
>>> using the bug id as the test name. Instead use a short name which
>>> is relevant to what is being tested. eg 'HtmlCommentParseTest.java'
>>> The bug ID is in the @bug tag for anyone who needs to know it.
>>> -phil.
>>> On 04/05/2017 03:36 AM, Mikhail Cherkasov wrote:
>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>> On 4/4/2017 9:13 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>> 2122             if(i>  0) {
>>>>> should be "if (i>  0) {"
>>>> fixed: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcherkas/8177450/9/webrev.01/
>>>>> Can you comment on what tests have been run to ensure this does not regress anything else ?
>>>> I run tests from " test/javax/swing/text/html/parser/" and from 
>>>> "test/closed/javax/swing/text/html/parser/"
>>>> no new failures, also I run swing JCK tests and again no new failures.
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 03/31/2017 04:28 AM, Mikhail Cherkasov wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Could you please review the fix for jdk9?
>>>>>> The problem is that Parser reads extra symbol after comment or script tag and missed the symbol.
>>>>>> I added 'continue' after those tags, so it goes to beginning of Parser while loop and process the symbol.
>>>>>> Bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8177450
>>>>>> Webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcherkas/8177450/9/webrev/
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Mikhail.
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