<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] JDK-8178091 : Bug I will workin on

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Apr 19 16:27:56 UTC 2017

On 04/19/2017 12:51 AM, Patrick Chen wrote:
> Ok so can you take the source from the git ?

Sounds the same to me as reviewing it there ..

> You probably have an account in cr.openjdk.java.net 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/> ,
> but Another solution to fix the bug 8178091 is to write a repaint() 
> method from Component.java
> (as we all know :  JPanel.java -->(extends) >Jcomponent.java 
> -->(extends)-> Composent.java)
> and the repaint() method is on Component.java
> So in JPanel.java we add a method repaint() ;
> public void repaint(){
> super.repaint() ; //this call repaint() from Component.java to 
> reproduce a simple repaint();
> Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync();
> }

sync sounds to me more like adding a performance problem rather than 
fixing one.
I'd be very reluctant to accept such a change in core JDK without 
performance testing across all affected pipelines and platforms.

And I don't think it is correct anyway. repaint is asynchronous and trying
to make it synchronous is redefining it 20 years too late.

But if you do it yourself in your own code that is up to you ...


> so with this each time we call repaint() ; it call our new repaint() 
> method with the sync();
> and then it works well
> 2017-04-17 16:24 GMT+02:00 Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com 
> <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>>:
>     Per openjdk rules, we cannot review or accept webrevs hosted anywhere
>     other than cr.openjdk.java.net <http://cr.openjdk.java.net> [1]
>     Generally you ask someone who has a login there to do it for you
>     Or you may try submitting the patch in-line to this email if it is
>     short.
>     Not an attachment. It will get stripped.
>     -phil.
>     [1] http://openjdk.java.net/guide/changePlanning.html
>     <http://openjdk.java.net/guide/changePlanning.html>
>     On 4/17/17, 3:42 AM, Patrick Chen wrote:
>>     https://github.com/cloudStrif/webrev
>>     <https://github.com/cloudStrif/webrev>
>>     2017-04-17 12:33 GMT+02:00 Patrick Chen <chen.j.patrick at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:chen.j.patrick at gmail.com>>:
>>         so here a webrev :
>>         2017-04-12 23:41 GMT+02:00 Sergey Bylokhov
>>         <sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com <mailto:sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com>>:
>>             (CC) 2d-dev
>>             If some of these options helps then most probably the bug
>>             is in the Java2D pipeline(XRender?) and looks like this
>>             is duplicate of:
>>             https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8068529
>>             <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8068529>
>>>             OK ,
>>>             So I did severals tests with theses options with
>>>             programms using full repaint() method
>>>             ,and it still work well,
>>>             but occasionnaly ,the lag is here again ,particularly
>>>             when there are a lot component on the screen (Jpanel screen)
>>>             indeed , I think it is not normal that we need theses
>>>             options to work well ,
>>>             but it seem the problem does not come from Swing package
>>>             , but repaint() method in AWT package ,
>>>             2017-04-12 21:26 GMT+02:00 Patrick Chen
>>>             <chen.j.patrick at gmail.com
>>>             <mailto:chen.j.patrick at gmail.com>>:
>>>                 OK ,
>>>                 So I did severals tests with theses options with
>>>                 programms using full repaint() method
>>>                 ,and it still work well,
>>>                 but occasionnaly ,the lag is here again
>>>                 ,particularly when there are a lot component on the
>>>                 screen (Jpanel screen)
>>>                 indeed , I think it is not normal that we need
>>>                 theses options to work well ,
>>>                 but it seem the problem does not come from Swing
>>>                 package , but repaint() method in AWT package ,
>>>                 2017-04-11 19:18 GMT+02:00 Sergey Bylokhov
>>>                 <sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com
>>>                 <mailto:sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com>>:
>>>>                     Hi ,
>>>>                     yes ;
>>>>                     with theses options it works !
>>>>                     but what that means ?
>>>                     Is it works in case of any options or in some
>>>                     cases it does not work? Please double check.
>>>>                     so it not a bug ?
>>>>                     2017-04-11 18:46 GMT+02:00 Sergey Bylokhov
>>>>                     <sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com
>>>>                     <mailto:sergey.bylokhov at oracle.com>>:
>>>>                         Hi, Patrick.
>>>>                         Can you please run the code using these
>>>>                         options:
>>>>                         -Dsun.java2d.xrender=true
>>>>                         -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false
>>>>                         -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
>>>>                         -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false
>>>>>                         After tests it seems that the problem
>>>>>                         doesn't come from Timer , but
>>>>>                         the repaint() method ,
>>>>>                         even with this code the bug is here.
>>>>>                         the bug is on Linux.
>>>>>                         2017-04-11 11:07 GMT+02:00 Walter Laan
>>>>>                         <WLaan at costengineering.eu
>>>>>                         <mailto:WLaan at costengineering.eu>>:
>>>>>                             Note that the example code in
>>>>>                             JDK-8178091 sleeps on the EDT, so
>>>>>                             you’re lucky it paints at all instead
>>>>>                             of hanging the UI.
>>>>>                             It looks like you adapted the code
>>>>>                             from
>>>>>                             http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/29630/simple-java-animation-with-swing
>>>>>                             <http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/29630/simple-java-animation-with-swing>
>>>>>                             where no-one experienced with Swing
>>>>>                             pointed out this error L.
>>>>>                             Using a javax.swing.Timer (not the
>>>>>                             java.util.Timer!) and it runs okay
>>>>>                             (using Win10, Java 8u101):
>>>>>                             *private**void*go() {
>>>>>                             *new*Timer(10, *new*ActionListener() {
>>>>>                             // _Les_ _coordonnées_ _de_ _départ_
>>>>>                             _de_ _notre_ _rond_
>>>>>                             *private**int*x= pan.getPosX(), y=
>>>>>                             pan.getPosY();
>>>>>                             // _Le_ _booléen_ pour _savoir_ _si_
>>>>>                             l'on _recule_ _ou_ non _sur_ l'axe x
>>>>>                             *private**boolean*backX= *false*;
>>>>>                             // _Le_ _booléen_ pour _savoir_ _si_
>>>>>                             l'on _recule_ _ou_ non _sur_ l'axe y
>>>>>                             *private**boolean*backY= *false*;
>>>>>                             @Override
>>>>>                             *public**void*actionPerformed(ActionEvent
>>>>>                             e) {
>>>>>                             // _Si_ _la_ _coordonnée_ x est
>>>>>                             _inférieure_ à 1, on _avance_
>>>>>                             *if*(x< 1) {
>>>>>                             backX= *false*;
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             // _Si_ _la_ _coordonnée_ x est
>>>>>                             _supérieure_ à _la_ _taille_ _du_
>>>>>                             _Panneau_ _moins_ _la_ _taille_ _du_
>>>>>                             _rond_, on _recule_
>>>>>                             *if*(x> pan.getWidth() - 50) {
>>>>>                             backX= *true*;
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             // _Idem_ pour l'axe y
>>>>>                             *if*(y< 1) {
>>>>>                             backY= *false*;
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             *if*(y> pan.getHeight() - 50) {
>>>>>                             backY= *true*;
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             // _Si_ on _avance_, on _incrémente_
>>>>>                             _la_ _coordonnée_
>>>>>                             // backX est _un_ _booléen_, _donc_
>>>>>                             !backX _revient_ à _écrire_
>>>>>                             // if (backX == false)
>>>>>                             *if*(!backX) {
>>>>>                             pan.setPosX(++x);
>>>>>                             // _Sinon_, on _décrémente_
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             *else*{
>>>>>                             pan.setPosX(--x);
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             // _Idem_ pour l'axe Y
>>>>>                             *if*(!backY) {
>>>>>                             pan.setPosY(++y);
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             *else*{
>>>>>                             pan.setPosY(--y);
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             // On _redessine_ _notre_ _Panneau_
>>>>>                             pan.repaint();
>>>>>                             }
>>>>>                             }).start();
>>>>>                                 }
>>>>>                             Hope that helps,
>>>>>                             Walter.
>>>>>                             *From:*swing-dev
>>>>>                             [mailto:swing-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>                             <mailto:swing-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net>]
>>>>>                             *On Behalf Of *Patrick Chen
>>>>>                             *Sent:* maandag 10 april 2017 12:23
>>>>>                             *To:* swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>                             <mailto:swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>>>                             *Subject:* Re: <Swing Dev> JDK-8178091
>>>>>                             : Bug I will workin on
>>>>>                             (edit : for example this game coded in
>>>>>                             java :
>>>>>                             https://github.com/cloudStrif/GoldenSunD
>>>>>                             <https://github.com/cloudStrif/GoldenSunD>
>>>>>                             will work with java 7
>>>>>                             but clearly not with java8 (linux 64
>>>>>                             bits) because of lags)
>>>>>                             2017-04-10 12:19 GMT+02:00 Patrick
>>>>>                             Chen <chen.j.patrick at gmail.com
>>>>>                             <mailto:chen.j.patrick at gmail.com>>:
>>>>>                                 Hi every one ,
>>>>>                                 just wanted to inform that I am
>>>>>                                 working to fix this bug.
>>>>>                                 it is when we devellop animations
>>>>>                                 thanks to repaint() method ,
>>>>>                                 for java 7 it works well
>>>>>                                 but with java8 not ,
>>>>>                                 (linux 64 bits it doesn't really
>>>>>                                 work )
>>>>>                                 so after watching the source code
>>>>>                                 it seem that it is not a swing
>>>>>                                 problem
>>>>>                                 but AWT : Component.java .
>>>>>                                 thank you

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