<Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Jayathirth D V jayathirth.d.v at oracle.com
Fri Dec 1 10:47:01 UTC 2017

Hello Pankaj,


Please find my observation:


As you have mentioned I also feel that adding check in setSelectionInterval() or addSelectionInterval() would be a good approach. Since I am not aware of swing component code I will leave this decision to others.


Regarding http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/7108280/webrev.002/ :

May be we are not handling the case where validateLeadIndex() fails and we don't set selection interval and it is resulting in JCK test fail. If you can share what is behavior of JCK test failure after your change it would be helpful.


                Also specification of setSelectionInterval() or addSelectionInterval() mentions that "{@code anchor} doesn't have to be less than or equal to {@code lead}". So while validating arguments for setSelectionInterval() or addSelectionInterval() I think we should verify the value of anchor first and then check the value of (anchor + lead) instead of just checking whether lead < size.





From: Pankaj Bansal 
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 3:02 PM
To: swing-dev at openjdk.java.net; Sergey Bylokhov; Semyon Sadetsky
Subject: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list


Hi All,


Please review the fix.









JList.getSelectedValuesList crashes if the JList.setSelectionInterval or JList.addSelectionInterval had been called earlier with interval having lead greater than the size of List



Made changes in JList.getSelectedValuesList to check the if the max selection index is greater than the actual size of the List. If yes, the max is changed to last element index of List.



It makes sense to change the behavior of JList.setSelectionInterval or JList.addSelectionInterval to not allow to set the selection with interval having indices not present in the list. But it will change the behavior of this API and will result in failure of 2 JCK tests. 

Also, we will still have to put checks inside the JList.getSelectedValuesList as the selection can be changed by setting selection interval on DefualtListSelectionModel and there is no way to check if the supplied interval range actually exist in the List inside DefualtListSelectionModel.


If changing the JList.setSelectionInterval or JList.addSelectionInterval is possible, the potential fix can be following webrev.





Pankaj Bansal

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