<Swing Dev> [10] RFR JDK-8191803 : [TEST_BUG] : sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ProgressBarDemoTest.java failed with "Wait "greater then 1349" state to be reached

Alexandre (Shura) Iline alexandre.iline at oracle.com
Mon Dec 4 19:16:49 UTC 2017

> On Dec 4, 2017, at 10:54 AM, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com> wrote:
> From memory, I think Sergey is right that the jtreg default time out is 2 minutes (120 seconds).
> As to changing that to 3 minutes .. that is something that needs to be decided at a jtreg ownership level.

I though that Sergey suggested to change the timeout for this specific test. Per JTreg doc: /timeout=<seconds> could be used. This is a very valid suggestion, IMO.

> A little off topic, but I've sometimes pondered if jtreg ought to have an option to avoid running lengthy tests,
> when time is of the essence. e.g., any test that specifies a timeout greater than the default.

One way would be to mark the slow tests with a keyword, but I did not find any keyword used right now for that.

Client tests - at least those involving simulating user actions - should not be selected at all during such runs, I would expect. Simply because the user input simulation is (usually) accompanied with some waiting. Practically speaking, we should not expect those in rush to run headful tests anyway, and the test in question is marked with @key headful.


> But if only a few percent of tests do that it probably does not make enough difference to matter.
> -phil.
> On 12/04/2017 10:29 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>> Hello.
>> On 03/12/2017 22:54, Muneer Kolarkunnu wrote:
>>> Issue: In usual ways itself, it is taking 30-40 seconds to complete the progress bar. So in slow machines it may take more time. Default timeout is 1 minute. Also in the screen shots, it is visible that demo is not blocked anywhere, it is still continuing, but failed due to timeout.
>> As far as I know that jtreg by default has 2 minute timeout, should it also be changed to 3 minutes?

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