<Swing Dev> Review request for JDK-6490753 JComboBox doesn't look as native combobox in different states of component

Martin M mraz.martin.dev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 12:41:20 UTC 2017

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6490753
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/mraz.martin/6490753/webrev.00

Problem description:
Swing JComboBox looks different than native one in states like e.g. focused
state or mouse rollover state and so on.

The fix solves following issues:
- Editable combobox border is regular dark rectangle in all states now.
After the fix border will have light gray color in normal state, light blue
in rollover or hot state and dark blue in pressed or focused state.
- Editable combobox button is painted almost properly, but not animated as
it should be. The fix will correct animation of the button.
- popup with list of choices has black border. The fix will correct the
border to proper colors.
- All texts were rendered very close to left side of borders. The fix
shifts texts few screen points to the left.
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