<Swing Dev> [9] RFR JDK-7190595: Nimbus: Test6657026 fails

Prasanta Sadhukhan prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com
Tue Jan 24 14:16:11 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Please review a fix for an issue where it is seen 
javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicSplitPaneUI/Test6657026.java fails reporting 
"Shared traversal keys" for Nimbus LaF.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7190595
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/7190595/webrev.00/

Issue was "managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys" and 
"managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys" is a static field in
so when JSplitPane is instantiated several times as in this particular 
managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys and managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys 
is NOT null from 2nd time so no keyStroke is added to this Set

so Set is not null but empty.

Now, since keyStrokes is cleared in the testcase between  2 JSplitPane 
instantiation, next time getFocusTraversalKeys(0) is called, it returns 
an empty Set so the test fails.

Proposed fix is to remove the "static" keyword from this 2 Sets so that 
they gets instantiated each time JSplitPane is invoked.
This problem is not present for other LaF like Metal because for those 
LaF, BasicSplitPaneUI is used instead of SynthSplitPaneUI (used only for 
Nimbus) where these fields are not static
which are removed as per JDK-6657026 [Numerous static security flaws in 

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