<Swing Dev> [10] RFR JDK-8075063:Context menu closes on mouse scroll

Prasanta Sadhukhan prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com
Sun Jun 18 14:31:09 UTC 2017

Fair enough suggestion, modified webrev to never ungrab for wheel event


On 6/16/2017 9:37 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> They are related to a wheel event happend in another java window (not 
> outside the app).
> My questions is if we do not ungrab on wheel event outside the app 
> should we be consistent and do never ungrab on wheel event?
> --Semyon
> On 06/16/2017 08:49 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>> I was not sure about the scenario at what condition those ungrabs are 
>> sent, so I did not modify those. For wheel event outside our java 
>> window was the scenario here and my modification fixed that.
>> // According to the specification of UngrabEvent, post it
>>    // when press occurs outside of the window and not on its owned 
>> windows
>> Regards
>> Prasanta
>> On 6/16/2017 8:57 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>> In lines 2337 and 2345 ungrab is also sent. Shouldn't the button 
>>> number be checked there as well before ungrab?
>>> --Semyon
>>> On 06/16/2017 03:22 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>>>> Yes, it is failing in linux as it posts a UngrabEvent which causes 
>>>> the popup to be closed in BasicPopupMenuUI at eventDispatched()
>>>> if(ev instanceof sun.awt.UngrabEvent) {
>>>>                 // Popup should be canceled in case of ungrab event
>>>>                 cancelPopupMenu( );
>>>>                 return;
>>>>             }
>>>> I have modified to not post the ungrab event if mouse wheel is 
>>>> rotated by checking if button 4 or 5 is pressed or not.
>>>> as per 
>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15510472/scrollwheel-event-in-x11
>>>> and
>>>> ftp://www.x.org/pub/X11R6.8.0/doc/mouse.4.html [Wheel button events 
>>>> (typically buttons 4 and 5) are usually used for scrolling]
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/8075063/webrev.01/
>>>> Regards
>>>> Prasanta
>>>> On 6/15/2017 8:55 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>> On 06/15/2017 08:18 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/15/2017 8:40 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>> On 06/14/2017 09:54 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Semyon,
>>>>>>>> I tried on Firefox and other app. If popup or drop down menu is 
>>>>>>>> opened, then mouse wheel rotation is not closing the popups. In 
>>>>>>>> our case, it is closing the popups/menus.
>>>>>>> That is true. I meant you fixed only the case when the mouse 
>>>>>>> wheel rotation is over java windows (wheel event's source != 
>>>>>>> null). What will be if the wheel is rotated outside java (source 
>>>>>>> == null), or it is not the case?
>>>>>> It is not closing in other app (if it rotated over non-app 
>>>>>> window) as well as in our java with my fix.
>>>>> Did you check this on all platforms? At least on my Ubuntu it is 
>>>>> not so.
>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Prasanta
>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Prasanta
>>>>>>>> On 6/14/2017 8:26 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Prasanta,
>>>>>>>>> I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the standard behavior 
>>>>>>>>> is when any wheel event cannot close popups.
>>>>>>>>> --Semyon
>>>>>>>>> On 06/13/2017 10:39 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>>> Please review a fix for an issue whereby it is seen
>>>>>>>>>> hitting the scroll wheel by accident closes whole structure 
>>>>>>>>>> of context menus causing it to disappear and the user has to 
>>>>>>>>>> invoke the menu again.
>>>>>>>>>> Issue was popupMenu is getting closed for mouse wheel 
>>>>>>>>>> rotation if the menu is not from JComboBox.
>>>>>>>>>> If the context menu is opened from JMenuItem, JMenu then if 
>>>>>>>>>> the mouse wheel is rotated anywhere in frame, then it calls 
>>>>>>>>>> cancelPopupMenu() causing it to call setVisible(false) and so 
>>>>>>>>>> menu disappears.
>>>>>>>>>> Proposed fix is to check if the mouse wheel rotation is done 
>>>>>>>>>> in JMenu, JMenuItem or anywhere in frame, then if popup is 
>>>>>>>>>> present, then do not close the popupmenu.
>>>>>>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8075063
>>>>>>>>>> webrev: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/8075063/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Prasanta

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