<Swing Dev> [10] RFR: 8182577: Crash when Tab key moves focus to a JCheckbox with a custom ButtonModel

Luke ldubox-coding101 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 28 15:06:58 UTC 2017


A second apology is needed: I had sent this from the wrong email 
account, so it got blocked for moderation. By the time I'd realised that 
wasn't normal / something was wrong, it was past the 3-day limit to 
cancel it. The discussion had progressed by then, and I'd more or less 
convinced myself the current fix & javadoc is good.

So feel free to ignore my email.

Kind regards,

On 23/06/2017 12:07, Luke Usherwood wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the late reply - I've been travelling. As the bug reporter, 
> would you mind if I gave a few passing thoughts?
> On 6/20/2017 11:16 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
> > Hi Prasanta,
> >
> >So, it is better check whether  the model is a DefaultButtonModel and 
> skip if grouping is not supported. Or, perhaps, it is reasonable to 
> pull up the > getGroup() into the ButtonModel interface which already 
> has setGroup().
> On one hand, it seems the best default methods are the ones able to 
> produce correct behaviours w.r.t. the other interface methods when 
> retrofitted, to avoid any 'surprises'. For example if some other code 
> decides to switch from DefaultButtonModel to accept any ButtonModel - 
> that would happily compile but it might be easy to miss the changed 
> semantics: that calling getGroup may not necessarily give back a value 
> passed in to setGroup any more, and hence there's scope for a subtle 
> runtime crash bug to be introduced.
> Also, would the change that pulls up a new default method into 
> ButtonModel be permitted if this fix were back-ported to JDK-9?
> On the other hand I suppose there's no other choice if you want to 
> patch this oversight in the interface design (which looks like it was 
> wanted since Java 1.3!) ... so this is the trade-off you've taken. The 
> likelihood of an actual crash in practice is low, and more so because 
> most calling code would test for a null value anyway. So I guess on 
> balance this may be reasonable.
> If you do proceed with default method solution...
> 1)  should the javadoc for state that all implementers are expected to 
> override the default implementation of getGroup(), and callers should 
> always test for a null value (even when that might not be expected) to 
> account for legacy implementations where the method might not be 
> implemented?
> 2) will you change similar code in the JDK - such as found in 
> JToggleButton.getGroupSelection() - to avoid the check-and-cast to 
> DefaultButtonModel. This would seem required to ensure that all 
> ButtonModels implementing getGroup() are treated consistently to other 
> DefaultButtonModel instances.
> Kind regards,
> Luke

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