<Swing Dev> Review request for JDK-6490753 JComboBox doesn't look as native combobox in different states of component

Alexandr Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Fri Mar 3 17:55:28 UTC 2017

I have uploaded the webrev to the http://cr.openjdk.java.net:


On 2/17/2017 2:41 PM, Martin M wrote:
> AnimationController.java
>  386                 if (skin.haveToSwitchStates()) {
>  387 skin.paintSkinRaw(g, dx, dy, dw, dh, state);
>  388 g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(1 - progress));
>  389 skin.paintSkinRaw(g, dx, dy, dw, dh, startState);
>  390                 } else {
> - Could the '1 - progress' value in AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(1 - 
> progress) be out of range?
> Value 'progress' is checked in method 'private void updateProgress()' 
> so it always is between 0 and 1.
> WindowsComboBoxUI.java
>  221             if (this.borderChecked == false) // check border of 
> component
>  222 replaceBorder();
> It is better to use 'if (!this.borderChecked) {replaceBorder();}'.
> There are Java Style Guidelines [1] which we need to follow to.
> I removed this part and replaced it with one line into method 'public 
> void installUI( JComponent c )'. It has the same effect.
> WindowsComboBoxUI.java
> 159        // set empty border as default to see vista animated border
> 160        comboBox.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0,0,0,0));
> 454 if (comboBox.isPopupVisible())
> 455 getModel().setPressed(true);
> 456             else
> 457 getModel().setPressed(false);
> This can be simplified to 
> getModel().setPressed(comboBox.isPopupVisible()).
> Corrected. this was lame :(
> 508 @Deprecated
>  509 @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable 
> across versions
>  510     protected class WindowsComboPopup extends BasicComboPopup {
>  511
>  512         private class comboPopUpBorder extends EmptyBorder {
> The class WindowsComboPopup is marked as deprecated with comments '* 
> This class is now obsolete and doesn't do anything.'
> Is it possible to move the popup border class outside and do not use 
> the WindowsComboPopup at all?
> The comboPopUpBorder class name should start from capital char.
> I removed comboPopUpBorder class because painting of this border was 
> hardcoded and it looked the same in win7 and win10.
> The border is now painted with system skin and looks properly in both 
> windows versions.
> And I am not sure if it is ok, but I created new class WinComboPopUp 
> which extends BasicComboPopup
>  to avoid using deprecated WindowsComboPopup. But deprecated class 
> also extends BasicComboPopup. So....
> 566 Border border = (Border)UIManager.get("ComboBox.editorBorder");
>  567
>  568             // correct space on the left side of text (for 
> editable combobox)
>  569             Insets i = border.getBorderInsets(editor);
>  570             border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(i.top, 4, 
> i.bottom, i.right);
>  571
>  572             if (border != null) {
>  573 editor.setBorder(border);
>  574             }
> - The border.getBorderInsets(editor) is called before checking the 
> border to null.
> - It seems that if a user sets a custom "ComboBox.editorBorder" it 
> should not be changed.
> Is it possible just to update the dafult "ComboBox.editorBorder" in 
> the com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel class?
> I updated default ComboBox.editorBorder.
> XPStyle.java
>  517         public boolean haveToSwitchStates() {
>  518             return switchStates;
>  519         }
>  520
>  521         public void switchStates(boolean b) {
>  522             switchStates = b;
>  523         }
> Could you change the methods access from the public to package? Making 
> some API public, even in com.sun.* package may require some additional 
> process.
> I changed access modifier from public to package.
> And I also decreased shifting of list items to right from 3px to 2px.
> If I see correctly native comboBox items have 2 px intendation from 
> left side of the border, when system font is used.
> WindowsComboBoxUI.java
>  600 return new Insets(0,2,0,0);          (previous value was 3)
> 609 setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, i.right)); (previous value was 
> 3 as well)
> br
> Martin
> 2017-02-03 13:31 GMT+01:00 Alexandr Scherbatiy 
> <alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com <mailto:alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com>>:
>     On 2/1/2017 3:41 PM, Martin M wrote:
>>     bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6490753
>>     <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6490753>
>>     webrev:
>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/mraz.martin/6490753/webrev.00
>>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ealexsch/mraz.martin/6490753/webrev.00>
>>     Problem description:
>>     Swing JComboBox looks different than native one in states like
>>     e.g. focused state or mouse rollover state and so on.
>>     The fix solves following issues:
>>     - Editable combobox border is regular dark rectangle in all
>>     states now. After the fix border will have light gray color in
>>     normal state, light blue in rollover or hot state and dark blue
>>     in pressed or focused state.
>>     - Editable combobox button is painted almost properly, but not
>>     animated as it should be. The fix will correct animation of the
>>     button.
>>     - popup with list of choices has black border. The fix will
>>     correct the border to proper colors.
>>     - All texts were rendered very close to left side of borders. The
>>     fix shifts texts few screen points to the left.
>     AnimationController.java
>      386                 if (skin.haveToSwitchStates()) {
>      387                     skin.paintSkinRaw(g, dx, dy, dw, dh, state);
>      388                    
>     g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(1 - progress));
>      389                     skin.paintSkinRaw(g, dx, dy, dw, dh,
>     startState);
>      390                 } else {
>     - Could the '1 - progress' value in
>     AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive(1 - progress) be out of range?
>     WindowsComboBoxUI.java
>      221             if (this.borderChecked == false) // check border
>     of component
>      222                 replaceBorder();
>     It is better to use 'if (!this.borderChecked) {replaceBorder();}'.
>     There are Java Style Guidelines [1] which we need to follow to.
>      454             if (comboBox.isPopupVisible())
>      455                 getModel().setPressed(true);
>      456             else
>      457                 getModel().setPressed(false);
>     This can be simplified to
>     getModel().setPressed(comboBox.isPopupVisible()).
>      508     @Deprecated
>      509     @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not
>     serializable across versions
>      510     protected class WindowsComboPopup extends BasicComboPopup {
>      511
>      512         private class comboPopUpBorder extends EmptyBorder {
>     The class WindowsComboPopup is marked as deprecated with comments
>     '* This class is now obsolete and doesn't do anything.'
>     Is it possible to move the popup border class outside and do not
>     use the WindowsComboPopup at all?
>     The comboPopUpBorder class name should start from capital char.
>      566             Border border =
>     (Border)UIManager.get("ComboBox.editorBorder");
>      567
>      568             // correct space on the left side of text (for
>     editable combobox)
>      569             Insets i = border.getBorderInsets(editor);
>      570             border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(i.top,
>     4, i.bottom, i.right);
>      571
>      572             if (border != null) {
>      573                 editor.setBorder(border);
>      574             }
>     - The border.getBorderInsets(editor) is called before checking the
>     border to null.
>     - It seems that if a user sets a custom "ComboBox.editorBorder" it
>     should not be changed.
>     Is it possible just to update the dafult "ComboBox.editorBorder"
>     in the com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel class?
>     XPStyle.java
>      517         public boolean haveToSwitchStates() {
>      518             return switchStates;
>      519         }
>      520
>      521         public void switchStates(boolean b) {
>      522             switchStates = b;
>      523         }
>     Could you change the methods access from the public to package?
>     Making some API public, even in com.sun.* package may require some
>     additional process.
>     [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alundblad/styleguide/index-v6.html
>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ealundblad/styleguide/index-v6.html>
>     Thanks,
>     Alexandr.

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