<Swing Dev> JDK9 will be in RDP2 after March 16th PDT

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Tue Mar 14 15:09:06 UTC 2017


There will I am sure be an official email to jdk9-dev soon but I'd at least
to give a reminder about this change in JDK 9 rules as it winds down 
towards release.

If you have anything you need to push without incurring extra process 
you have
just 2 and a half days to do it.

After March 16th *all* pushes to any forest require some kind of 
explicit approval.
For changes in product code, you will need a "jdk9-critical-request" 
label and a
justification about why it is a critical or stopper bug for JDK9. That 
will be evaluated.

P3 and above "test" and "doc" bugs can still go in with a  much less 
formal "nod"
which for the lists above you can get from me. I will monitor the lists
for such issues.

That is just a very brief and rough summary of what happens *after* 
Others will give a more precise rundown of the rules.

The main message here from me is
(1) Push soon or incur process
(2) After Thursday DO NOT push without approval.


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