<Swing Dev> [10] JDK-8004029: [macosx] The long Tab titles are not clipped with dots at the end.

Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com
Mon Sep 11 04:06:54 UTC 2017

Right Sergey. I was not sure on how to represent it under this Webrev. I will update the Webrev if need be.

Thanks and regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Bylokhov 
Sent: Saturday, September 9, 2017 7:33 AM
To: Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>; Prasanta Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] JDK-8004029: [macosx] The long Tab titles are not clipped with dots at the end.

Hi, Shashi.
The fix looks fine, but it looks like bug4310381.html should be removed because it is not used?

On 9/4/17 02:33, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
> Hi All, Please find the updated Webrev at the below link.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8004029/webrev.01/
> I have added a new test that would go through different laf's and runs 
> the test of the tab titles. Previously this test had been a single 
> default laf test with appletviewer and now replaced for multi laf 
> testing along with the normal java execution. There are instances of 
> inaccurate rendering of the titles with respect to the tab pane 
> component like clipping, starting offset and going beyond the tab pane 
> size as shown below in some of the examples:
> This requires a different thread to really understand why this 
> variation across the multiple laf representation and needs more proper 
> bounding the title to fit properly within the tab pane space. Hence I 
> will be raising multiple bugs to indicate these current issues and 
> will be resolved later. Please note that this issue is /_not_/ because 
> of the clipping of the text that these current changes that are done 
> under this bug fix.
> Thanks and regards,
> Shashi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sergey Bylokhov
> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 4:24 AM
> To: Prasanta Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>; Shashidhara 
> Veerabhadraiah <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>;
> swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] JDK-8004029: [macosx] The long Tab 
> titles are not clipped with dots at the end.
> I am not sure is it possible to prove, but I think that we need to 
> pass tabPane as a component to ClipStrinUfNecessary.
> On 17.08.2017 3:48, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>  > Fix looks good.
>  >
>  > But, can you update
>  > test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4310381/bug4310381.java
>  > to include the test for all installed l&fs so that we can see if 
> there
>  > is problem in any other l&fs?
>  >
>  > Regards
>  > Prasanta
>  > On 8/17/2017 2:08 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>  >>
>  >> Hi All, Please review a fix for the JDK- 8004029 where the long 
> tab
>  >> titles were not clipped with the dots at the end to indicate a
>  >> lengthy title. The aqua look and feel which is the default laf for
>  >> mac does the title clipping only leading to an ambiguous UI where 
> in
>  >> the clipped title would look like the /_complete_/ title though it 
> is not.
>  >> Hence it is good to show dots at the end indicating a much bigger
>  >> title exists though the tab does not have enough real estate to
>  >> display the complete title.
>  >>
>  >> _Solution and fix:_ I have updated the aqua laf module to clip the
>  >> title text and put the dots at the end if the text size is larger
>  >> than the tab size. Below is the picture /_after_/ the fix.
>  >>
>  >> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8004029
>  >>
>  >> Webrev:
>  >> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aghaisas/shashi/8004029/webrev.00/
>  >> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eaghaisas/shashi/8004029/webrev.00/>
>  >>
>  >> Thanks and regards,
>  >>
>  >> Shashi
>  >>
>  >
> --
> Best regards, Sergey.

Best regards, Sergey.

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