<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [10] Review Request: 8187399 Different problems in the javadoc's links in java.desktop package

Alan Snyder javalists at cbfiddle.com
Fri Sep 15 20:05:50 UTC 2017

It’s also not English, which not using @code would make it look like...

> On Sep 15, 2017, at 12:34 PM, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com> wrote:
> 771      * @implNote Please note that for Mac OS, notifications
>  772      * are only sent if the Java app is a bundled application,
>  773      * with a {@code CFBundleDocumentTypes} array present in its
>  774      * Info.plist.
> Should we be using {@code ..} for CFBundleDocumentTypes. It is not Java code,
> but this makes it look like it is.

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