<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [11] Review Request: 8198333 ProblemList should be updated for headless mode

Prasanta Sadhukhan prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com
Wed Feb 21 13:58:02 UTC 2018

Couple of points.

Shouldn't java/awt/List/SetBackgroundTest/SetBackgroundTest.java be run 
only on solaris/linux as it tests

if (!isXAWT){
   77             System.out.println(" this is XAWT-only test. ");
   78             return;
   79         }

java/awt/Toolkit/RealSync/Test.java has

Should we not remove that as it might hamper jtreg run?

I also think that this bugid needs to be added to all updated tests.


On 2/21/2018 1:33 AM, Phil Race wrote:
> +1
> -phil
> On 02/20/2018 07:10 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Please review update of the tests for jdk11.
>> The goal is to make our testing as stable as possible and exclude any 
>> unstable tests(I have started from the tests which may be run in the 
>> headless mode).
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8198333
>> Webrev can be found at: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8198333/webrev.09
>>  - The ProblemList.txt is update, I have created a list of new bugs 
>> for any tests which fail at least once in a few iterations on a 
>> different systems.
>>  - "@key headful" was added to some tests which are noop in headless 
>> mode, they have some checks like:
>>     * Desktop.isDesktopSupported
>>     * Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getClass().getName().equals/
>>     * GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadlessInstance()
>>     * SystemTray.isSupported()
>>    ... etc. These checks are always false in headless mode.
>>  - "@key printer" was added to the tests which works in the headless 
>> mode, and tries to print something. Some of these tests are noop w/o 
>> printer.
>>  - "@run main/othervm" was added to a few tests which fails in 
>> agentvm mode. This mode is a default in mach5.
>>  - A few typos in the tests tags were fixed.

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