<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [11] Review Request: 8198333 ProblemList should be updated for headless mode

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Feb 21 17:35:36 UTC 2018

That is fine.


On 2/21/18, 9:34 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 21/02/2018 08:49, Philip Race wrote:
>>> I am not sure it has mac specific code, I'll reevaluate this test in 
>>> JDK-8198406.
>> This is mac-specific. It looks for specific fonts by name that exist 
>> only on MacOS.
>> And moreover the table handling in the implementation is relevant 
>> only for Apple AAT fonts ..
>> which you won't find anywhere else.
>> The one thing about this test that could change is that it doesn't 
>> need to create a Frame to
>> test this code -  drawing to a BI would suffice .. so it does not 
>> have to be headful with a few changes.
> I would not like to mix the test changes and updating the problem 
> list. I have filed a separate bugs for each test which should be 
> updated/reworked/fixed.

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