<Swing Dev> JDK-8189938: Updated analysis

Prasanta Sadhukhan prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com
Thu Feb 22 04:54:47 UTC 2018

On 2/22/2018 3:24 AM, Matthias Bläsing wrote:
> Hi again,
> I debugged the issue a bit further and I think I tracked it down into
> the visual c runtime. What got me curious, was that in any case MTA-COM
> initialization had already happend even when a new java thread was
> created. So I modified the java launcher (jvm.dll) and inserted
> debugging statements into some of the native methods in os_windows.cpp.
> I focused on the threading methods. What I found was this:
> - create_main_thread, create_os_thread, pd_start_thread all
>    run with COM not yet initialized
> - the native thread initializer (thread_native_entry) is already
>    running with COM initialized
> Every article I read about COM insists, that your are required to
> initialize the COM environment on each thread from which you do COM
> calls. So there was something fishy.
> I looked more into in _beginthreadex and indeed I finally found a lead
> on stackoverflow. That pointed me to the sourcecode of threadex.c,
> which is part of the Visual Studio 2013 Express Installation.
> There you find, that _beginthreadex does not directly start the
> supplied thread function, but runs a library initializer
> (_threadstartex) first. Part of this initializer reads:
>          _ptd->_initapartment = __crtIsPackagedApp();
>          if (_ptd->_initapartment)
>          {
>              _ptd->_initapartment = _initMTAoncurrentthread();
>          }
>          _callthreadstartex();
> __crtIsPackagedApp detects via a kernel function if the application is
> run as a "PackagedApp" (i.e. AppX package) and if so, then the
> RoInitialize is called, which from my understanding acts like the big
> brother of CoInitialize.
> Long story short: If your application is build with Visual Studio 2013
> and run as a packaged application, you get a broken environment.
> I assume that the Oracle JDK 8 binaries are build with an older version
> of Visual Studio, which would explain the behavioural differences.
I guess this is roughly what I mentioned in my comment to this bug

> This looks like it supports my findings:
> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/07/07/using-visual-c-runtime-in-centennial-project/
> Quote from the article:
>          Note that the existing VC++ 12.0 libraries created during the
>          Windows 8 timeframe have runtime checks to determine whether the
>          app is running under the app container or not. When running
>          desktop apps as a packaged app, these checks might limit the
>          functionality of the desktop app or cause it to behave like a UWA
>          (Universal Windows Application) (limited file system access or
>          create thread initializing MTA etc.). We have fixed this behavior
>          in the VC++ libraries contained in these framework packages and
>          thus removing the modern app limitations from your desktop
>          applications.
> So the solution for packagers is:
> - Read the above referenced blog
> - Install the updated VC 12.0 framework packages for Desktop Bridge
> - Install the appropriate contained appx packages (I tested Retail/x64)
> - Package again
> - Done
> After the steps above my test application (a modified version of the
> original version from Reinhard) reports, that the COM initialization
> has not happend yet and everything is as it should be (initialization
> in the JDKs ShellFolder native part is correctly initialized to STA).
> => Yay!
> I suspect a java version compiled with a "fixed" version of Visual
> Studio (2015 and later) should behave "correctly". It took much effort
> not to write what I'm thinking about VS 2013 right now.
> If I'm not mistaken the default compiler for future JDKs is about to be
> bumped (I think I read something like this on one of the openjdk
> mailinglists), so could someone please check if it has happend already?
> After literally putting hours into this, I think I will conclude my
> investigations here - it was an interesting ride through the JDK build
> system, the JDK source and VS documentation.
> I hope this helps someone out there
> Greetings
> Matthias
> Am Donnerstag, den 08.02.2018, 19:32 +0100 schrieb Matthias Bläsing:
>> Hi all,
>> last month I saw the message from Reinhard Pointer on this list:
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2018-January/008132.
>> html
>> referring to this bug:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8189938
>> With the instructions given in:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193928 (closed as duplicate
>> of JDK-8189938)
>> I was able to reproduce the problem on a clean Windows 10
>> Installation,
>> as described in the initial report.
>> The resulting exception leads to my proposed fix:
>>          Could not initialize COM: HRESULT=0x80010106
>> That HRESULT translates to: RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE
>> This means, that the COM subsystem is already initialized, but with a
>> different mode. The code uses CoInitialize and this initializes the
>> threading module to be apartment threaded. The above HRESULT means
>> the
>> thread was already initialized to be multi-threaded.
>> The mode can't be changed after is was set once, so instead of
>> bailing
>> out, I suggest to accept the situation and initialize to be multi-
>> threaded.
>> The consequence is that calls from COM to Java could end up on the
>> wrong thread. A quick look through the code suggest, that COM advises
>> are not used, so this is a risk that should be taken.
>> The fix in this case works like this:
>>   * try to initialize COM as it was
>>   * check the return
>>   * if it is RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE, retry initialization als multi-
>> threaded
>>   * only if that fails raise an exception
>> One could argue, that if COM is already initialized, you don't need
>> to
>> do it yourself, but documentation states, that every successful call
>> to
>> CoInitialize/CoInitializeEx must be paired with CoUninitialize.
>> D3DPipelineManager tracks this in bComInitialized, the other two
>> callers in the JDK are:
>> - PLATFORM_API_WinOS_DirectSound.cpp
>> - ShellFolder2.cpp
>> Both are covered in the patches. For ShellFolder2 there is an
>> initialization check, this is modified as described above. And if
>> both
>> initialization variant (apartment threaded and multi threaded fail)
>> this raises an exception.
>> PLATFORM_API_WinOS_DirectSound is slightly different. The fallback in
>> the initialization is still done, but no exception is raised in the
>> error case. This follows the code flow before this change.
>> I attached the diffs against JDK10 and JDK9 to this email. If they
>> are
>> stripped, they can be found here:
>> http://www.doppel-helix.eu/JDK8189938-openjdk9.diff
>> http://www.doppel-helix.eu/JDK8189938-openjdk10.diff
>> I hope this helps with a fix.
>> Greetings
>> Matthias

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