<Swing Dev> JDK 11 RDP1 and the jdk/client repository

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Mon Jun 25 22:26:00 UTC 2018

I want to make sure people understand some of the nuances of RDP1 for 
JDK 11 [1]

- Any fix pushed to jdk/client after 2am PT Tue 26th June will be 
destined for JDK 12. Not JDK 11

- That is because this is the time we start the build for the final JDK 
11 Client PIT
   (PIT == Pre-Integration Testing), since changes need to be in jdk/jdk 
by Wed 27th.

- JDK 11 P1-P3 bugs may still be fixed after that date by pushing 
*directly* to the JDK 11
   stabilisation forest, which will be created after the fork. So if you 
have a fix for JDK 11 that
   misses 2am on the 26th you will need to wait for the stabilisation 
forest to open before pushing it.

- Fixes pushed to the JDK 11 stabilisation forest will be automatically 
synced to JDK 12 for some time,
    so if you want to fix something in 11 during RDP1, you do not need 
push it to jdk/client first,
    in fact you should not, because it is expected to be forward synced.

- Because there is only ONE stabilisation forest for all JDK 11, and NO 
further JDK 11 client PITs,
  it means the onus will be on the fixer to make sure they
    + do not break the build
    + do not introduce any regressions.
    + are fixing only bugs that really need to be in JDK 11 (proper use 
of P1-P3).


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-dev/2018-June/001462.html
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