<Swing Dev> [11] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Krishna Addepalli krishna.addepalli at oracle.com
Wed Mar 14 11:33:30 UTC 2018

Hi Pankaj,

The changes look fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pankaj Bansal 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:00 PM
To: Krishna Addepalli <krishna.addepalli at oracle.com>; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: <Swing Dev> [11] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi Krishna,

Thanks for the review.

I have incorporate the changes you suggested. Please have a look.

Pankaj Bansal

-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Addepalli
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 1:55 PM
To: Pankaj Bansal; Semyon Sadetsky; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: <Swing Dev> [11] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi Pankaj,

The fix looks good to me. 
However I have some suggestions for your fix:
        if ((iMin < 0) || (iMax < 0)) {
             return new Object[0];
         int size = dm.getSize();
         if (iMin > size) {
             return new Object[]{};
         iMax = iMax < size ? iMax : size - 1;

Instead of repeating the if condition and the statement within, move the condition into to the top if, so that it looks like this:
	If((iMin < 0) || (iMax < 0) || (iMin > size)) {
		Return new Object[0];
And move the size declaration to the top.

Also, in the GetSelectedValuesListTest.java test case, you have two different functions - namely checkSelectionByList and checkSelectionByArray. They are identical except the api they call and the collection they take as parameter. 
You can make it as a single function.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pankaj Bansal
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:44 AM
To: Semyon Sadetsky <semyon.sadetsky at oracle.com>; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [11] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi Semyon,

Do you have any further questions regarding this?

Pankaj Bansal

-----Original Message-----
From: Pankaj Bansal
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:30 PM
To: Semyon Sadetsky; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [11] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi All,

Changing the subject to update the fix version to 11 to avoid any confusion.

Pankaj Bansal

-----Original Message-----
From: Pankaj Bansal
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 9:59 PM
To: Semyon Sadetsky; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi Semyon,

Thanks for the review.

<< Where this fix should go? In 10?
This will go in 11. Actually this is pending from sometime and I have to change the fix version. Should I send a new request for this (once the review is approved) or just update the information here.

<< How does this fix correspond to the 8074286 change you've just posted where IOOBE is thrown again?
These two fixes address same piece of code. I will update the webrev for 8074286 if this fix goes first. Basically I will have to resolve the changes depending upon which fix will go first.

Pankaj Bansal

-----Original Message-----
From: Semyon Sadetsky
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 9:44 PM
To: Pankaj Bansal; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list

Hi Pankaj,

Where this fix should go? In 10?
How does this fix correspond to the 8074286 change you've just posted where IOOBE is thrown again?

On 03/08/2018 09:47 PM, Pankaj Bansal wrote:
> Hi Semyon,
> <<what will be the return from JList.getSelectedIndices()  in the issue scenario?
> I have not made any changes to JList.getSelectedIndices method. It will return the selected indices in selection model.
Then there will be discrepancy between getSelectedValues**() and
getSelectedIndices() of the same list.

> Regards,
> Pankaj Bansal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Semyon Sadetsky
> Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 7:17 AM
> To: Pankaj Bansal; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 : 
> JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger 
> than list
> Hi Pankaj,
> what will be the return from JList.getSelectedIndices()  in the issue scenario?
> --Semyon
> On 01/03/2018 03:53 AM, Pankaj Bansal wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> I have made the changes you suggested for this bug. Please have a look.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/7108280/webrev.01/
>> I checked classes like JList,  JTable which use DefaultListSelectionModel to find the methods where DataModel and ListSelectionModel are used together.
>> In JList, getSelectedValues, getSelectedValuesList and getSelectedValue are three APIs. I have made changes to these APIs.
>> In JTable, I could not find any API which uses both DataModel and ListSelectionModel together.
>> Hi Andrej,
>> We cannot change the set methods (setSelectionInterval and addSelectionInterval) here as they will break backward compatibility. Someone can also set a custom ListSelectionModel which may cause exception in get(getSelectedValues, getSelectedValuesList and getSelectedValue) methods. So we will have to make changes to get methods only. In JTable, these exceptions don’t because of the above mentioned reasons. But these exceptions can happen in JList and we can't leave the code unchanged.
>> Regards,
>> Pankaj Bansal
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andrej Golovnin [mailto:andrej.golovnin at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Friday, December 8, 2017 1:10 PM
>> To: Pankaj Bansal
>> Cc: Sergey Bylokhov; Jayathirth D V; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 :
>> JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval 
>> larger than list
>> Hi all,
>> there is one more option:
>> 4. Close the issue as "won't fix" and suggest the reporter to fix his code.
>> Option 3 may not break any existing application. But it may hide bugs in applications because in my opinion setting a wrong selection interval is a bug.
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> Best regards,
>> Andrej Golovnin
>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 8:13 AM, Pankaj Bansal <pankaj.b.bansal at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Thank you for your reviews.
>>> I think we need to finalize on where to make changes, before going 
>>> any further . We have following few options
>>> 1. Change setSelectionInterval and addSelectionInterval to throw Exception: Make change to these functions to throw IllegalArgumentException when the interval is out of range. This is looks correct as it does not make sense to set selection out of bounds of the list. This also makes the JList more compatible with the JTable. But this will break 2 jck tests which expect the out of bound selection to be allowed. Also this can break existing applications which are setting the wrong selection and expecting it not to throw an exception. Also someone can still set the wrong selection by setting the selection directly on SelectionModel instead of calling it on JList.
>>> 2. Change setSelectionInterval and addSelectionInterval to just return without exception: Make changes to these function to just return if the interval is out of bound. But this will also break the same 2 jck tests and may break existing applications.
>>> 3. Change the getSelectedValues and getSelectedValuesList: Make changes to these functions to check the selection and return the selected objects. If the selection is out of bound, return an empty List or partial List depending on the selection interval, instead of throwing the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
>>> Option 1 stops someone from setting the wrong selection in the first place and find bugs in case someone tries to set wrong selection. But it may break existing application and can still cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is someone is setting wrong selection on SelectionModel instead of going through JList.
>>> Option 3 does not seem to break any existing application and looks immune to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in getMethods. So maybe this is correct way.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pankaj Bansal
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Andrej Golovnin [mailto:andrej.golovnin at gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 2:00 PM
>>> To: Sergey Bylokhov
>>> Cc: Jayathirth D V; Pankaj Bansal; swing-dev at openjdk.java.net; 
>>> Semyon Sadetsky
>>> Subject: Re: <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 :
>>> JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval 
>>> larger than list
>>> Hi all,
>>> as a long Swing user I would like to vote against the proposed changes. The fact is that the #setSelectionInterval and #addSelectionInterval methods of the JList class exist in this form for a very long time and any change in the behaviour of this methods may break existing applications.
>>> Technically this methods should throw an IllegalArgumentException when the arguments are out of bounds. For example the #setRowSelectionInterval and #addRowSelectionInterval methods of the JTable class throw an IllegalArgumentException.
>>> I think you should ask someone from the Java core team who has deeper understanding, when a change is backward compatible and when not, if it is OK to add a check to this methods and throw an IllegalArgumentException when the arguments are out of bounds. If it is not OK, then you can improve at least the JavaDocs of this methods and explain in the JavaDocs that the arguments must be in the bounds of the current ListModel.
>>> I would also not change the behaviour of JList#getSelectedValuesList.
>>> The current behaviour, i.g. throwing the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, helps me to find bugs in applications.
>>> For me setting a wrong selection interval is a bug.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Andrej Golovnin
>>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Sergey Bylokhov <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> On 01/12/2017 02:47, Jayathirth D V wrote:
>>>>> As you have mentioned I also feel that adding check in
>>>>> setSelectionInterval() or addSelectionInterval() would be a good approach.
>>>>> Since I am not aware of swing component code I will leave this 
>>>>> decision to others.
>>>> I also have no preference where to change this. If we will change
>>>> setSelectionInterval()/addSelectionInterval() then we will need to 
>>>> update selection model on every change of datamodel. But if we 
>>>> decide like in the current fix to change the get methods, then we 
>>>> will need to verify all places where we use datamodel and selection model:
>>>> for example JList.getSelectedValue() and others.
>>>> Also we should check other classes which use the same selection 
>>>> model like JTable.
>>>>> Regarding http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/7108280/webrev.002/:
>>>>> May be we are not handling the case where validateLeadIndex() 
>>>>> fails and we don’t set selection interval and it is resulting in 
>>>>> JCK test fail. If you can share what is behavior of JCK test 
>>>>> failure after your change it would be helpful.
>>>>>                    Also specification of setSelectionInterval() or
>>>>> addSelectionInterval() mentions that “{@code anchor} doesn't have 
>>>>> to be less than or equal to {@code lead}”. So while validating 
>>>>> arguments for
>>>>> setSelectionInterval() or addSelectionInterval() I think we should 
>>>>> verify the value of anchor first and then check the value of 
>>>>> (anchor
>>>>> + lead) instead of just checking whether lead < size.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jay
>>>>> *From:* Pankaj Bansal
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, December 01, 2017 3:02 PM
>>>>> *To:* swing-dev at openjdk.java.net; Sergey Bylokhov; Semyon Sadetsky
>>>>> *Subject:* <Swing Dev> [10] Review Request: JDK-7108280 :
>>>>> JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval 
>>>>> larger than list
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Please review the fix.
>>>>> Bug:
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7108280
>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/7108280/webrev.00/
>>>>> Issue:
>>>>> JList.getSelectedValuesList crashes if the 
>>>>> JList.setSelectionInterval or JList.addSelectionInterval had been 
>>>>> called earlier with interval having lead greater than the size of 
>>>>> List
>>>>> Fix:
>>>>> Made changes in JList.getSelectedValuesList to check the if the 
>>>>> max selection index is greater than the actual size of the List.
>>>>> If yes, the max is changed to last element index of List.
>>>>> Note:
>>>>> It makes sense to change the behavior of 
>>>>> JList.setSelectionInterval or JList.addSelectionInterval to not 
>>>>> allow to set the selection with interval having indices not 
>>>>> present in the list. But it will change the behavior of this API and will result in failure of 2 JCK tests.
>>>>> Also, we will still have to put checks inside the 
>>>>> JList.getSelectedValuesList as the selection can be changed by 
>>>>> setting selection interval on DefualtListSelectionModel and there 
>>>>> is no way to check if the supplied interval range actually exist 
>>>>> in the List inside DefualtListSelectionModel.
>>>>> If changing the JList.setSelectionInterval or 
>>>>> JList.addSelectionInterval is possible, the potential fix can be following webrev.
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pbansal/7108280/webrev.002/
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Pankaj Bansal
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards, Sergey.

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