<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR. Repeated words typos in java.desktop

Alexey Ivanov alexey.ivanov at oracle.com
Thu Feb 21 12:18:24 UTC 2019

Hi Andrey,

       * Used to override if system (desktop) text anti-aliasing 
settings should
-     * be used. The reasons for this are are is that currently its "off"
+     * be used. The reasons for this are is that currently its "off"
       * for CJK locales which is not likely to be a good universal 
answer, and
       * also its off for remote display. So this provides an unsupported
       * way to explicitly request that it be "on".

I guess it makes sense to correct the grammar as well:
-     * be used. The reasons for this are are is that currently its "off"
+     * be used. The reasons for this are that currently it's "off"
       * for CJK locales which is not likely to be a good universal 
answer, and
-      * also its off for remote display. So this provides an unsupported
+      * also it's off for remote display. So this provides an unsupported
       * way to explicitly request that it be "on".

- * error may occur at a different point that that where it is
+ * error may occur at a different point than where it is

  <li><code>PlanarConfiguration</code> if this field is present with value
-<code>Planar</code> is is reset to <code>Chunky</code>.</li>
+<code>Planar</code>, it is reset to <code>Chunky</code>.</li>

I believe this is the correct way.

-     * to prune code-paths are often called in the case of renders
+     * prune code-paths that are often called in the case of renders

-     * Create a View that should be used to hold a
+     * Create a View that should be used to hold
       * a rows worth of children in a flow.  This is

This does not sound right. Should it rather be “…to hold rows worth of 
children in a flow.” or “…to hold a row worth…”?

The same comment as for FlowView.java above.

       * Sets the value of a given time and returns the index of the
-     * slot that that time was stored in.
+     * slot where the time was stored in.

Does it sound better?

-                /* let's see if we can use a a default pen
+                /* let's see if we can use the default pen

Looks this requires the definite article as the default pen is somewhat 


On 31/01/2019 22:28, Andrey Turbanov wrote:
> Hello.
> I would like to contribute small patch to fix repeated words typos.
> Andrey Turbanov
> <SNIP>

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