<Swing Dev> <AWT Dev> [12] JDK-8182043: Access to Windows Large Icons

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Jan 30 23:30:19 UTC 2019

I am not sure how an application is supposed to know what size to use,
which seems a bit of a problem with this API.

And does this work equally well on all platforms and resolutions ?
The extreme weirdness that you give it the name of a system object the 
has to find and extract icons from is very odd.

I don't like this API at all. I'd rather do nothing.

And the supported size range is odd, and the potential for null returns 
isn't specified.


On 1/22/19 10:03 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
> Hi All, Please review the below new fix compared to earlier webrevs. 
> Now the new api to get the icons of different sizes is being made part 
> of a new class SystemIcon. Please consider this as a different 
> solution than the one that was under review for a long time till now.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8182043/webrev.05/
> Part of the fix is being borrowed from Semyon’s fix and would like to 
> thank Semyon for that.
> Thanks and regards,
> Shashi
> *From:*Alexey Ivanov
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 4:32 AM
> *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah 
> <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>; Prasanta Sadhukhan 
> <prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>; swing-dev 
> <swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>; awt-dev <awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> <Swing Dev> [12] JDK-8182043: Access to 
> Windows Large Icons
> Hi Shashi,
> Thank you for updating the review.
> With updated copyright years, the patch does not apply cleanly because 
> some files already have 2018. It's a minor nuisance which could be 
> easily resolved.
> Other comments inline:
> On 28/09/2018 09:58, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>     Hi Alexey, Thank you for your thorough review. I have updated the
>     copyrights as well and please see below for my comments:
>     Here is the new Webrev:
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8182043/webrev.04/
>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esveerabhadra/8182043/webrev.04/>
>     Thanks and regards,
>     Shashi
>     *From:*Alexey Ivanov
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, September 25, 2018 3:00 AM
>     *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
>     <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>     <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>; Prasanta Sadhukhan
>     <prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>
>     <mailto:prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>; swing-dev
>     <swing-dev at openjdk.java.net> <mailto:swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>;
>     awt-dev <awt-dev at openjdk.java.net> <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>     *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> <Swing Dev> [12] JDK-8182043: Access to
>     Windows Large Icons
>     Hi Shashi,
>     Please see my comments inline:
>     On 21/09/2018 23:22, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:
>         Hi Alexey, Thanks for your review and below is the new Webrev.
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8182043/webrev.03/
>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esveerabhadra/8182043/webrev.03/>
>         Please see below for inline comments.
>         Thanks and regards,
>         Shashi
>         *From:*Alexey Ivanov
>         *Sent:* Friday, September 21, 2018 2:09 PM
>         *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
>         <shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>
>         <mailto:shashidhara.veerabhadraiah at oracle.com>; Prasanta
>         Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>
>         <mailto:prasanta.sadhukhan at oracle.com>; swing-dev
>         <swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>         <mailto:swing-dev at openjdk.java.net>; awt-dev
>         <awt-dev at openjdk.java.net> <mailto:awt-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>         *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> <Swing Dev> [12] JDK-8182043: Access
>         to Windows Large Icons
>         Hi Shashi,
>         SystemIcon.java
>         What is the purpose of new SystemIcon class?
>         It's not used anywhere but the provided test. Is this class
>         really needed then?
>         Is it supposed to become the public API for accessing system
>         icons?
>         Why can't FileSystemView be used for that purpose as it was
>         proposed in Semyon's review?
>         */[Shashi] /*SystemIcon is going to be the front face to
>         access the icons and that is the purpose of this class. The
>         reason for choosing this is that FileSystemView class can be
>         used internally and did not wanted to expose it externally
>         too. Externally exposing may cause certain restriction in
>         maintaining the classes hence the indirection.
>     Still, I cannot understand the rationale for a new class the only
>     purpose of which is to provide public access to
>     getSystemIcon(File, int, int).
>     FileSystemView is already a public class, and it's used
>     internally. (I guess it would not have existed, if it hadn't.) It
>     has a public method getSystemIcon(File). As such, extending its
>     functionality to get access to larger icons seems logical. This is
>     what the new protected getSystemIcon(File f, int size) does.
>     It can be made public to facilitate access to file icons.
>     After all, protected method is also a contract, it cannot be
>     changed without affecting backward compatibility.
>     It is this new protected method that performs the task of getting
>     the icon from the system.
>     Do we really need other methods?
>     */[Shashi] I think that system icons functions as part of
>     filesystemview class is also a kind of corrupted creation of the
>     filesystemview class. Icons forms a different functionality
>     compared to file system and should have been kept as a separate
>     class in the first place./*
> I agree to some extent… Yet FileSystemView.getSystemIcon(File) is part 
> of this class since 1.4. Having this in mind, I see no reason why an 
> extended version getSystemIcon(File file, int size) cannot be public.
> If the new method is public, the access to large icons, or rather 
> icons of arbitrary size, is provided.
> Semyon's review made the new method public:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/awt-dev/2017-September/013016.html
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8182043/webrev.00/
> and the latest version
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8182043/webrev.02/
> I'm still not convinced the new method should be exposed via a new 
> class SystemIcon. I see no advantages to this compared to making the 
> new method public in FileSystemView.
> The fact that you have to implement the abstract method 
> createNewFolder() from FileSystemView for which you cannot provide a 
> reasonable implementation only emphasizes it's a bad design decision.
>     */Regarding the methods, am not sure does it required or not but I
>     added them to be complete. Some variant is required to provide the
>     original unmodified icon as the system returns and provide the
>     scaled icon as well./*
> I don't think they're needed.
> Other helper methods merely scale the icon fetched via 
> FileSystemView.getSystemIcon(File file, int size). Such scaling is not 
> unique to icons, it's applicable to any images. As such, they should 
> be in a dedicated utility class, shouldn't they?
>     278     public File createNewFolder(File containingDir) throws
>     IOException {
>     279         return null;
>     280     }
>     You had to implement the abstract method from FileSystemView. It's
>     one more point to make system icon available right from
>     FileSystemView.
>     This implementation should rather throw an exception.
>     */[Shashi] IOException? I think it’s not needed as we won’t be
>     performing any such actions. But yes I had to implement this place
>     holder to be complete./*
> That's exactly the problem. It's a public method which can be called 
> by whoever wants to do it, and the caller rightfully expects the 
> method to fulfil its contract. But this implementation can never 
> fulfil its contract.
> It is the reason why I think SystemIcon class is not the way to go.
>     60         protected File file;
>     This field is redundant, in my opinion. It would be quite
>     expensive to instantiate SystemIcon object for each file. It can
>     safely be removed, then only methods which take additional File
>     parameter will be left.
>     (The field could be final as it cannot be changed and should not
>     be changed.)
>     */[Shashi] Updated./*
> Thanks!
> Yet my main point was that you can safely remove this field and then 
> leave only methods which take it as parameter.
>     <SNIP>
>     112     public Icon getSystemIcon(int width, int height) {
>     Are methods with width / height parameters needed? Icons are
>     usually square.
>     */[Shashi] Flexibility is ok I think. It would fall back to the
>     same function though. Though the native does not have the function
>     and since because of scaling we can support that. Am not sure
>     where it can be useful but being flexible is ok I think!!/*
> Flexibility is okay unless it's flexibility for the sake of flexibility.
> On Windows, icons are always square. The new API is system 
> independent. So the method makes sense if and only if there are 
> platforms where file icons can be non-square.
> Can file icon have different width and height on Linux or macOS? If 
> not, I'm for dropping the method.
>     You repeat checks if f is null, width and height checks in each
>     and every method. I guess parameter validation could be extract
>     into a separate method. You will avoid lots of cope duplication.
>     */[Shashi] Updated/*
>     Since it's a completely new API, I suggest throwing
>     IllegalArgumentException with appropriate message in the cases
>     where a parameter (file, width and height) fails validation.
>     */[Shashi] Updated./*
> Not all documentation comments for the public methods include throws 
> clauses for the thrown IllegalArgumentException.
>     210         int size;
>     211         if(width > height) {
>     212             size = width;
>     213         } else {
>     214             size = height;
>     215         }
>     This code can be simplified to
>     int size = Math.max(width, height);
>     Concise and clear.
>     A helper method which validates the parameters could also return
>     this value. Thus, again, avoiding code duplication among many
>     methods in this class.
>     */[Shashi] Updated./*
> I don't think getSize is a good name for the helper method.
> It could be validateParameters, thus its purpose is clearer. 
> Documentation comment could clarify it returns the size of icon based 
> on width and height.
> The method should be static as it does not use any fields.
>     There are lots of tabs in this file. Tabs must be replaced with
>     spaces.
>     if's are inconsistent throughout the code: some are with space,
>     some are without. Please add the space everyone to align with Java
>     Code Conventions.
>     Please also sort the imports and remove unused ones.
>     */[Shashi] Updated/*
> The imports are not sorted.
> There are three unused imports.
> 259         return (Image)scaledImage;
> The cast is redundant.
>         FileSystemView.java
>          259      * Icon for a file, directory, or folder as it would
>         be displayed in
>          260      * a system file browser for the requested size.
>         For getXXX, it's better to start description with “Returns…”
>         so it aligns to other similar methods.
>         However, I see the new method follows description of
>         getIcon(boolean).
>         */[Shashi] /*Because as you said rightly it follows the
>         getIcon(boolean)
>     Okay.
>     Is it possible to update documentation to the existing
>     getSystemIcon(File)?
>     Should I file a separate bug to update the documentation?
>     Documentation also references a non-public class ShellFolder.
>     Should this reference be removed from documentation as the access
>     to non-public classes is restricted? It does not add much value.
>     */[Shashi] Updated./*
> The documentation for the newly added method hasn't been updated.
>          265 * @param size width and height of the icon in pixels to
>         be scaled(valid range: 1 to 256)
>         Why is it “to be scaled”? I would expect to get the icon of
>         the requested size. At the same time, the icon can be scaled
>         to the requested size if the requested size is not available.
>         */[Shashi] /*User has no restriction of mentioning any size
>         but the platform may have a limitation of size. Since we are
>         supporting a set of different versions of platforms, platform
>         may limit the size of the icon to a particular size, in which
>         case it will be scaled to the user requested size.
>     I understand that. However, I think the suggested description does
>     not convey the meaning correctly.
>     The method will return the icon of the requested size, won't it?
>     So the correct description is:
>     @param size width and height of the icon in pixels (valid range: 1
>     to 256)
>     The fact the returned icon may be scaled if the requested size is
>     not available must be described in the method documentation as
>     well as in @return line:
>     @return an icon of the requested size (possibly scaled) as it
>     would be displayed by a native file chooser
>     */[Shashi] Updated/*
> I can't see any change here.
>         270 protected Icon getSystemIcon(File f, int size) {
>         Can't the method be public? It was in Semyon's review.
>         */[Shashi] /*Because of the indirection, this method can stay
>         as protected. I think it is always good to be of using
>         protected than making everything public. Also that is the
>         advantage of adding the SystemIcon class.
>     Sorry I don't see any advantage of having SystemIcon class over
>     making this method public as I outlined above.
>          266 * @return an icon as it would be displayed by a native
>         file chooser
>         An icon of the requested size (possibly scaled) as…
>          275         if(size > 256 || size < 1) {
>          276             return null;
>          277         }
>         Please add space between if and the opening parenthesis.
>         You can throw InvalidArgumentException in this case.
>         Does size of 1 make any sense?
>         */[Shashi] /*Done. I can only say that 0 does not make sense.
>         Check is to see that it is not less than 1.
>     What about throwing InvalidArgumentException when size parameter
>     is invalid?
>     */[Shashi] Updated/*
> Not updated:
>  273         if (size > 256 || size < 1) {
>  274             return null;
>  275         }
> The method silently returns null as before.
>  288             return UIManager.getIcon(f.isDirectory() ? 
> "FileView.directoryIcon" : "FileView.fileIcon");
> Should the icon be returned as MultiResolutionImage if icon size is 
> different from the requested size?
>     I understand that check is to make sure size is at least 1.
>     However, icon of 1 pixel size does not make any sense. Should the
>     minimum be a more sensible of 4?
>     It's a concern for discussion.
>     */[Shashi] /*On the native side, there is no restriction so I
>     think we can keep this open.
>         ShellFolder.java
>          202     /**
>          203      * @param size size of the icon > 0
>          204      * @return The icon used to display this shell folder
>          205      */
>         Can you add a short description of the purpose of this method?
>         “Returns the icon of the specified size used to display this
>         shell folder”?
>         A similar description can be added to the method above it:
>         198     public Image getIcon(boolean getLargeIcon) {
>         */[Shashi] /*Updated. Thank you.
>     Thank you for updating @return clause of the Javadoc.
>     My intention was to add a generic description of the method as well:
>     202     /**
>     202      * Returns the icon of the specified size used to display
>     this shell folder.
>     202      *
>     203      * @param size size of the icon > 0
>     204      * @return The icon used to display this shell folder
>     205      */
>     Such description could also be added to method above
>     getIcon(boolean getLargeIcon), at line 198.
>     Should the range of size parameter be specified? For example,
>     1–256 as in FileSystemView.
>     */[Shashi] /*Updated
>  207      * @param size size of the icon > 0(Valid range: 1 to 256)
> Isn't >0 redundant now?
> @param size size of the icon, valid range from 1 to 256
> looks better, doesn't it?
>         <SNIP>
>         974     const int MAX_ICON_SIZE = 128;
>         I also suggest increasing MAX_ICON_SIZE to 256. Otherwise I
>         see no point in allowing 256 as the maximum size at Java level
>         as you'll never have icon of 256×256 even thought the system
>         may have one.
>         */[Shashi] /*Per me, the problem is that since we support
>         certain older versions of the platforms, it should not cause
>         an exception at the native level. If everyone agrees for the
>         change then we can change that.
>     This concern was raised in the previous review too:
>     http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/awt-dev/2017-September/013115.html
>     I think it's safe to update the value of MAX_ICON_SIZE to 256. The
>     oldest supported version of Windows is Windows 7 which supports
>     256×256 icons.
>     Windows XP used icons up to 48×48, but it does not imply the API
>     does not allow loading icon of larger size. Both 128 and 256
>     should be tested on Windows XP if JDK still runs on it.
>     */[Shashi] /*I will raise a bug on this and work on it later. I
>     have to see fn_GetIconInfo() and what it returns the values and
>     based on it, it is good to update to 256 I think.
> Why can't this be done under this bug?
> We promise to return icon of size 256 from the system but we will 
> never return icon larger than 128.
> fn_GetIconInfo() is GetIconInfo from Windows API, see
> 202     fn_GetIconInfo = (GetIconInfoType)GetProcAddress(libUser32, 
> "GetIconInfo");
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winuser/nf-winuser-geticoninfo
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-ie/windows/desktop/api/winuser/ns-winuser-_iconinfo
> The function returns HBITMAP, the bitmap data for the icon. Its size 
> is used to calculate the size of the icon.
> If we requested icon of size 256, the size of the bitmap would be 256×256.
>         Win32ShellFolder2.java
>         <SNIP>
>         … Yet I'm for using constants in this particular piece of code.
>         These values are used at least twice in
>         Win32ShellFolder2.java: lines 1081–1085 and 1119–1123.
>     */[Shashi] Updated./*
> These could private:
>   80     static final int FILE_ICON_ID = 1;
>   81     static final int FOLDER_ICON_ID = 4;
>     <SNIP>
>      382                     return
>     Win32ShellFolder2.getShell32Icon(i,
>     key.startsWith("shell32LargeIcon ")?
>     May I suggest updating formatting to:
>                         return Win32ShellFolder2.getShell32Icon(i,
>     key.startsWith("shell32LargeIcon ") ? LARGE_ICON_SIZE :
>     or even
>                         return Win32ShellFolder2.getShell32Icon(i,
>     key.startsWith("shell32LargeIcon ") ? LARGE_ICON_SIZE
>                                                                     :
>     (where : aligns with ?)
>     */[Shashi] /*Updated
> 383 key.startsWith("shell32LargeIcon ")?LARGE_ICON_SIZE : 
> Spaces around ? please.
>         <SNIP>
>         SystemIconTest.java
>     Could you please organize imports?
>     There are only three classes used.
> The imports are usually sorted.
> Is it possible to move java.io.File to the top of the list?
> (Your IDE can do it for you.)
> Regards,
> Alexey
>     41             System.out.println("Windows detected: will run
>     sytem icons test");
>     typo: system
>     Since the test is Windows-specific, it can be declared using
>     @requires tag of JTreg:
>     @requires os.family == "windows"
>     */[Shashi] /*Updated.
>     Regards,
>     Alexey

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