<Swing Dev> [jdk16] RFR: 8255880: UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed

Anton Litvinov alitvinov at openjdk.java.net
Wed Dec 16 23:49:59 UTC 2020

On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 19:46:57 GMT, Phil Race <prr at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hello,
>> This is a review request for straight back port of the fix for the bug JDK-8255880 from JDK 17 to JDK 16, which is currently in RDP 1 phase. The fix was tested and the regression test was executed on MS Windows OS, Linux OS, macOS.
>> Thank you,
>> Anton
> Fine but in that casw why didn't you withdraw the 17 PR and just push to 16 which will get forward synced ?

Hello Phil. For me the main goal was to fix this bug in the latest JDK 
feature release, that is why I initiated integration to "openjdk/jdk" as 
soon as the fix was approved there. Integration of this fix to 
"openjdk/jdk" repository was my first integration to OpenJDK project in 
Git, at that moment I did not anticipate that obligatory synchronization 
from "openjdk/jdk16" to "openjdk/jdk" yet. Today based on the fact that 
this bug is P3 and not an enhancement and that following "fix-request" 
process in JBS is not prescribed for this type of bug in RDP 1 phase, 
and that this bug on Monday still was targeted to JDK 16, I came to a 
conclusion that there is legal right to go through this back port 
procedure to try to deliver the fix to JDK 16. I thought that there 
would not be a trouble during this synchronization, because in Mercurial 
such cases during merge were handled automatically silently. Hopefully 
Git will manage to handle it automatically.

I guarantee that this is the first and last time from my side, next 
times, if there are, I will not be initiating back ports to 
stabilization repositories in pre-RDP 2 phases, if the fix is integrated 
to always open repository.

On 16/12/2020 19:47, prrace wrote:
> *@prrace* approved this pull request.
> Fine but in that casw why didn't you withdraw the 17 PR and just push 
> to 16 which will get forward synced ?
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PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk16/pull/38

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