<Swing Dev> <AWT Dev> EA8 build of Project Lanai (Java 2D Metal rendering pipeline for macOS) is now posted

Hendrik Schreiber hs at tagtraum.com
Tue Dec 29 21:04:24 UTC 2020


I should add that so far I wasn’t able to repeat this glitch and no other application was affected, so this may also be completely unrelated.


> On Dec 29, 2020, at 21:07, Hendrik Schreiber <hs at tagtraum.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> For what it’s worth: I have tried this build with metal enabled on a complex Swing application (beaTunes) and wasn’t able to spot any differences.
> Great work!
> However, after I shut down beaTunes, IDEA wasn’t repainting correctly anymore (see attached screenshot). Note that IDEA was NOT running on the EA8 build. So I am guessing some system resources may not have been freed the way they are supposed to be freed. This was on macOS 10.15.7.
> Cheers,
> -hendrik
> <Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 21.01.54.png>
>> On Dec 17, 2020, at 08:57, Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> The EA 8 build of Project Lanai [1] was posted today at https://jdk.java.net/lanai/ <https://jdk.java.net/lanai/>
>> EA 8 Build 17-lanai+1-2 (2020/12/12)
>> Please do give it a try (-Dsun.java2d.metal=true) and let us know of issues.
>> One particular request :
>> To anyone who has a mac still running 10.12 - we don't expect Metal to run (it requires at least 10.13
>> and maybe even later by the time it is final) but we would like confirmation that nothing in Metal
>> prevents OpenGL running on older releases.
>> Note there is currently a hotspot build bug unrelated to Lanai that prevents running on 10.10
>> and maybe 10.11 but 10.12 will be a useful data point.
>> EA 8 contains the following new bug fixes relative to EA 7
>> 8257886: Build issue in macOS 10.14
>> 8256683: Lanai: NetBeans IDE - AA Text rendering appears brighter compared to OpenGL
>> 8242925: J2DDemo - Anti-Aliasing with Metal differs from OGL
>> 8257618: Lanai: GradientPaint interpolates over stops limits
>> 8257566: Lanai: System runs out of application memory while running the Unmanaged_BufferredImage_draw_NearestNeighbor test multiple times
>> 8257441: Lanai: java/awt/image/VolatileImage/DrawHugeImageTest fails
>> 8257442: Lanai: Create RenderPerf tests for SW to HW blits
>> 8257413: Lanai - Use optimum sized temporary buffer while replacing texture region
>> 8238285: Lanai: java/awt/image/DrawImage tests fail
>> 8256576: DrawImage/BlitRotateClippedArea fails
>> -phil.

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