<Swing Dev> [15] RFR JDK-8220811: SpinnerNumberModel floating point rounding issue

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Wed Feb 12 07:39:05 UTC 2020

> I am not able to find any issue with this approach.
Sometimes there are difference:

double b = 0.10000000000000011;

constructor [1]: 0.1000000000000001165734175856414367444813251495361328125
constructor [2]: 0.10000000000000012

> <<But it is possible to create Float.valueOf(float) and pass it to this constructor, isn't it? this will work for any primitives.
> <<[3]     public SpinnerNumberModel(Number value,
>                                   Comparable<?> minimum,
>                                   Comparable<?> maximum,
>                                   Number stepSize)
> Yes, it is true. If we create "Float" objects from primitive float and pass to the constructor, things work fine. But what if the user is passing the primitive float values directly? As the double constructor is there, it is called instead of this constructor which accepts objects. This creates issue.
> I don’t see this in spec that users should not use primitive float directly and should first create "Float" object and then create SpinnerNumberModel. So they will use primitive floats directly and run into these issues.

This is described in the top level specification of this class.

> As I suggested earlier, either we should remove constructors with primitive double or add constructor for primitive float.

The primitive variants are there because it was decided that "integers and doubles" are quite common, so they have special constructors, this is also described in the top-level spec of the class.

Best regards, Sergey.

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