<Swing Dev> RFR JDK-8210850: There is a Java icon instead of a i icon on mac

Van Den Borre, Koen Koen.VanDenBorre at esko.com
Wed Jul 15 09:18:25 UTC 2020


I believe that on mac, the question icon and inform icon are simply the application icon.
This is the case for native alert dialogs, and this is also done in Java swing if your application is bundled correctly or when -Xdock:icon is specified via the command.

I am not sure if there is something that needs fixing.

The proposed fix seems like a step in the wrong direction


-----Original Message-----
From: swing-dev <swing-dev-retn at openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of Prasanta Sadhukhan
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 10:25 AM
To: swing-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: <Swing Dev> RFR JDK-8210850: There is a Java icon instead of a i icon on mac

Hi All,

Please review a fix for an issue where it is seen JOptionPane showInputDialog and showConfirmationDialog in SwingSet2 "OptionPane Demo" dialog

is being shown as a "Java" icon instead of "i" icon for AquaLookAndFeel in mac. Other L&Fs show "i" icon.

Issue is because in Aqua L&F, JOptionPane.informationIcon and JOptionPane.questionIcon uses "confirmIcon" which uses generic java icon as seen here


Proposed fix is to use appropriate icon gif image that is being used for other L&Fs for showInputDialog and showConfirmationDialog.

Other icons like errorIcon and warningIcon is not changed as it uses system icons via AquaIcon.SystemIcon icons but these system-icons are not present for the above 2 icons.

Bug: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bugs.openjdk.java.net_browse_JDK-2D8210850&d=DwICaQ&c=9mghv0deYPYDGP-W745IEdQLV1kHpn4XJRvR6xMRXtA&r=9d_eS2PJkOJltUfB0P4NB6MyXvE-X1oiMmv4r0btY2s&m=LSNvSA90f9CQ2ew0l5Nag5nXAoknapz0ote5Z8Tru58&s=Dw7UmI849E2lHvyXrHYzIKVY9QE-djJ_pyCPdh4Wiz8&e=

webrev: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__cr.openjdk.java.net_-7Epsadhukhan_8210850_webrev.0_&d=DwICaQ&c=9mghv0deYPYDGP-W745IEdQLV1kHpn4XJRvR6xMRXtA&r=9d_eS2PJkOJltUfB0P4NB6MyXvE-X1oiMmv4r0btY2s&m=LSNvSA90f9CQ2ew0l5Nag5nXAoknapz0ote5Z8Tru58&s=6hel-l73633rQRiFvC0KMMyh9fw-zIVT3wqiUJ517Iw&e=

No regression test is provided as it can be verified through SwingSet2 OptionPane demo.


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