<Swing Dev> RFR: 4916923: In MetalRootPaneUI, MetalRootLayout does not correctly calculate minimumsize

Prasanta Sadhukhan psadhukhan at openjdk.java.net
Thu Nov 5 04:12:55 UTC 2020

On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 04:06:50 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhukhan at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The bug submitter said that it is somehow affected his application. So I assume there is a way to trigger this bug in the MetalRootLayout.
> From MetalTitlePane.java, the same "height" is being used for width and height so the value is same for both.
> private class TitlePaneLayout implements LayoutManager {
>         public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {}
>         public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) {}
>         public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c)  {
>             int height = computeHeight();
>             return new Dimension(height, height);
>         }

There is no reproducible testcase and the submitter id is not active anymore so cannot ask him and I am not sure of any other way, so if this is not accepted without a reproducing testcase, I will close this PR.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/433

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