[threeten-dev] lambda + threeten
Xueming Shen
xueming.shen at oracle.com
Mon Dec 3 10:48:41 PST 2012
It's the test for the "fancy" functional interface :-) for example, for
the "minus adjuster" here you can simply use
.map(d -> (d.minusDays(days)))
instead of
.map(d -> (d.minus(dd -> (dd.with(EPOCH_DAY, (dd.getLong(EPOCH_DAY)- days))))))
And the test does nothing:-) it simply adds two days, print them out, and then
map them back to the original data.
On 12/03/2012 10:32 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
> Hi Sherman,
> I don't know what the non-lambda code would look like but the lambda'fied
> code below is not good at revealing what the intent of the function is.
> It still needs comments. So blog away.
> Thanks,Roger
>> -Sherman
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
>> Random r = new Random();
>> DateTimeFormatter fmt =
>> DateTimeFormatters.pattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss [EEEE]");
>> int total = 100;
>> int days = 2; // days to delay
>> int minMon = 2;
>> int maxMon = 6;
>> Streams.repeatedly(total, () -> (now.withYear(2012)
>> .withDayOfYear(r.nextInt(365) + 1)
>> .with(SECOND_OF_DAY, r.nextInt(86400))))
>> .sorted((d1, d2) -> d1.compareTo(d2))
>> // .filter(d -> (d.getMonthValue() >= minMon && d.getMonthValue() <= maxMon))
>> .tee(d -> {System.out.printf(" %-30s ", fmt.print(d));})
>> .map(d -> (d.with(dd -> (dd.with(EPOCH_DAY, dd.getLong(EPOCH_DAY) + days)))))
>> .tee(d -> {System.out.printf(" --> %-30s ", fmt.print(d));})
>> .map(d -> (d.minus(dd -> (dd.with(EPOCH_DAY, (dd.getLong(EPOCH_DAY)- days))))))
>> .forEach(d -> {System.out.printf(" --> %-30s%n", fmt.print(d));});
> --
> Thanks, Roger
> Oracle Java Platform Group
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