[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Integration with other JDK classes

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Wed Dec 5 07:24:30 PST 2012

On 5 December 2012 15:02, Lance Andersen - Oracle
<Lance.Andersen at oracle.com> wrote:
>> The sql subtypes of util.Date are of course troublesome. The JDBC
>> group need to advise on whether they consider them effectively
>> deprecated or not.
> -1
> No we cannot deprecate these at this time, too much existing code out there and people will not want the noise from the javadoc or annotation.  These classes have been used since JDBC 1.0 and the better approach is to document
> the preferred way going forward

My question was really whether the JDBC group care about enhancing the
sql classes, or whether they are content to let them be and get
everyone to move to the new types.

In other words, if someone is going into their code and updating it to
use 310 classes on the Java side (everywhere), do you also want them
to change the JDBC logic (and thus remove references to sql.Date etc)
or to be able to use 310 classes in the rest of their codebase, but
the old sql JDBC classes withing the JDBC code.


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