[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Integration with other JDK classes

Douglas Surber douglas.surber at oracle.com
Wed Dec 5 10:10:00 PST 2012


Can you confirm that all of the following work in your proposal?

  LocalTime t1 = LocalTime.from(aJavaSqlTime);
  LocalTime t2 = LocalTime.from(aJavaSqlTimestamp);

  LocalDate t3 = LocalDate.from(aJavaSqlDate);
  LocalDate t4 = LocalDate.from(aJavaSqlTimestamp);

  LocalDateTime t5 = LocalDateTime.from(aJavaSqlTimestamp);

With the addition methods

   java.sql.Time t6 = java.sql.Time.from(aLocalTime);
   java.sql.Date t7 = java.sql.Date.from(aLocalDate);
   java.sql.Timestamp t8 = java.sql.Timestamp.from(aLocalDateTime);
   java.sql.Timestamp t9 = java.sql.Timestamp.from(anOffsetDateTime);
   java.sql.Timestamp t10 = java.sql.Timestamp.from(aZonedDateTime);

I guess these would work as well.

   java.sql.Time t11 = java.sql.Time.from(aLocalDateTime);
   java.sql.Time t12 = java.sql.Time.from(anOffsetDateTime);
   java.sql.Time t13 = java.sql.Time.from(aZonedDateTime);
   java.sql.Date t14 = java.sql.Date.from(aLocalDateTime);
   java.sql.Date t15 = java.sql.Date.from(anOffsetDateTime);
   java.sql.Date t16 = java.sql.Date.from(aZonedDateTime);

What happens with these?

   OffsetDateTime t17 = OffsetDateTime.from(aJavaSqlTimestamp);
   ZonedDateTime t18 = ZonedDateTime.from(aJavaSqlTimestamp);

I would expect them to fail as java.sql.Timestamp does not have an 
offset or zone id.



At 06:46 AM 12/5/2012, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>The question is to what degree should existing JDK date/time classes
>support integration with 310?
>Key open question to everyone is how much integration should be 
>Here is my list and proposls:
>util.Date - implement DateTimeAccessor (INSTANT_SECONDS and 
>second fields)
>sql.Date - implement DateTimeAccessor (EPOCH_DAY and related)
>sql.Time - implement DateTimeAccessor (NANO_OF_DAY and related)
>sql.Timestamp - implement DateTimeAccessor (all ChronoField)
>Calendar - implement DateTimeAccessor (all ChronoField)
>GregorianCalendar - implement DateTimeAccessor (all ChronoField and 
>FileTime should implement DateTimeAccessor
>xml.XMLGregorianCalendar should implement DateTimeAccessor
>xml.Duration should implement PlusAdjuster and MinusAdjuster
>TimeUnit should implement PeriodUnit
>In addition, some common additional methods would be very helpful:
>GregorianCalendar might beneft from toLocalDate() and toLocalTime().
>The sql subtypes of util.Date are of course troublesome. The JDBC
>group need to advise on whether they consider them effectively
>deprecated or not.
>DAYS in TimeUnit will be different to DAYS in ChronoUnit as it is
>exactly 24 hours.
>I think that is all the JDK date/time classes. I could be wrong...
>(This was a private discussion being made public)
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