[threeten-dev] Package structure for Threeten in JDK

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Wed Dec 12 12:56:23 PST 2012


After some discussion within Oracle and with the JDK architects and 
the discussion of issue#149 Design split between embedded core and 
general JDK <https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/issues/149>
I propose the following package structure for Threeten.

  * java.time - basic human and machine time  (ISO)
      o Clock, Duration, Instant
      o LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime
      o ZonedDateTime, ZoneId, ZoneOffset
      o Period
  * java.time.chrono - the date-time framework and advanced functions
      o DateTime, DateTimeAccessor, DateTimeField, PeriodUnit
      o ChronoField, ChronoUnit, DateTimeValueRange
      o DateTimeAdjusters
      o Julian Day field
      o WeekDefinition,  ISOWeeks
      o Chrono, ISOChrono, ChronoLocalDate, ChronoLocalDateTime,
        ChronoZoneDateTime, Era
      o YearMonth, MonthDay, Yea
      o OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime, OffsetDate
  * java.time.format - formatting
  * java.time.zone - timezone
  * java.time.global - global calendars
      o Japanese, ThaiBuddhist, Minguo, Hijrah

All of the packages except java.time.global are tightly integrated and
would form a module to be included with all Java Runtimes.
The global calendars should be (a module) and decoupled from the base.

For reference the current javadoc is:

Comments appreciated.


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