[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] DateTime interface

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Thu Dec 13 08:24:09 PST 2012


Please elaborate.

It is not common for interface to be adjectives.

It would sound odd to say that a "LocalDate is a Temporal".

The noun form of the word means:
    "a bodily part (as a bone or muscle) that is near the temples 
<http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/temples> or the sides of the 
skull behind the orbits 
<http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/orbit[1]> *:* a temporal part "


On 12/13/2012 11:16 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Nah.  Temporal is a much better name.
> On 12/13/2012 10:11 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The API is described as the date-time API and as a whole it manipulates
>> dates, times and related values.  The DateTime interface ties all of those
>> concepts and objects together.
>> The code snippet below is not representative of how DateTime is
>> likely to be used.  We would not promote that form of usage because
>> the concrete class and its immutability and finality are lost.
>> The DateTime interface predominately appears as an argument in the
>> parameter list of methods as a way to pass any of the concrete types.
>> The context of that class and method define the expectations of the
>> parameter.
>> The current name is a good one for the purpose and better than the
>> suggested alternatives.
>> The ripple effects of changing names add a significant risk;
>> any change must bring a real and indisputable benefit.
>> Roger
>> On 12/13/2012 10:42 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>>> Looking at it again, the DateTime interface is not that well named.
>>> Each of the following are implementations of DateTime:
>>> DateTime a = LocalDateTime.now()
>>> DateTime b = ZoneDateTime.now()
>>> DateTime c = LocalDate.now();
>>> DateTime d = LocalTime.now();
>>> DateTime e = Instant.now();
>>> DateTime f = ZoneOffset.UTC;
>>> While LocalDateTime and Zone[d]DateTime make sense, the others make
>>> far less sense.
>>> Why does LocalDate implement DateTime when it has no time?
>>> Why does ZoneOffset implement DateTime when it has neither a date nor time?
>>> The purpose of the interface is to effectively represent common access
>>> to some part of the date/time domain.
>>> For a long time, the name was Calendrical, but that wasn't much liked.
>>> Some alternatives:
>>> - Calendrical
>>> - Calend
>>> - Moment
>>> - TimeAspect
>>> - Temporal
>>> Personally, I think "temporal" is pretty good. It means "of or
>>> relating to time".
>>> Other suggestions welcome, although change is not yet certain.
>>> Note that there are some other related interfaces:
>>> - DateTimeAccessor
>>> - DateTimeField
>>> - PeriodUnit
>>> Some or all of these might also make sense to consider.
>>> Stephen
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>> --
>> Thanks, Roger
>> Oracle Java Platform Group
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>> developing practices and products that help protect the environment
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Thanks, Roger

Oracle Java Platform Group

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