[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Opinion poll on Zone[d]DateTime

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Thu Dec 13 13:02:31 PST 2012

Since you've done all the work, you might as well push it.

On 12/13/2012 3:56 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Here is the diff for the jdk8_threeten repo. Tests all passed (need to 
> rename that
> serialization bin data as well. I'm not putting that in diff, as it's 
> a binary data).
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/jdk8_threeten/zdt/
> Stephen, you might want to take a quick scan to see if anything 
> obvious is missing.
> I will hold the push, if Roger believes it would be better to do it 
> together with the
> packaging change (if there is one at the week end)'
> -Sherman
> On 12/13/2012 11:37 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> ok, I'll make the change.
>> To avoid thrash; I'd prefer to do it at the same time as the package 
>> renaming,
>> either the end of this week or the beginning of next.
>> Roger
>> On 12/13/2012 1:31 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>>> And I can safely conclude the answer of the poll.
>>> "Q1 What should the final class be called?"
>>> 1) ZonedDateTime 42%
>>> 2) ZoneDateTime 49%
>>> 3) Other 9%
>>> ZonalDateTime, SymbolicZoneDateTime, DateTimeWithZone,
>>> TimezoneDateTime, DateTimeTZ, DateTimeInTimeZone, DateTimeZone
>>> "Q4 Given this fact (alpha/preview), which name would you choose?"
>>> 1) ZonedDateTime 54%
>>> 2) ZoneDateTime 45%
>>> Q2/3 even spread of answers.
>>> Thus, pretty much 50/50. Given where we are, I could argue for either
>>> name and ultimately, in a few months time no-one would care.
>>> Ultimately, it seems that this name change is not significant enough
>>> to win a greater than 2:1 majority that I wanted. So, we should change
>>> back to ZonedDateTime.
>>> Roger, you volunteered to make this rename?
>>> thanks
>>> Stephen
>>> On 12 December 2012 23:01, Stephen Colebourne<scolebourne at joda.org>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> It seems like a poll is necessary for ZoneDateTime vs ZonedDateTime:
>>>> http://www.rationalsurvey.com/s/6916
>>>> Please note, that I will not necessarily follow the results of the
>>>> poll, but it will be a good data point.
>>>> Please distribute this to those you know.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Stephen
>> -- 
>> Thanks, Roger
>> Oracle Java Platform Group
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>> to developing practices and products that help protect the environment
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Thanks, Roger

Oracle Java Platform Group

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