[threeten-dev] CLDR Islamic calendar subtag updates

yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com
Tue Apr 16 15:00:34 PDT 2013

First of all, sorry for slow update. After CLDR 23 release, we finally had 
chance to discuss about the Islamic calendar subtags in CLDR / Unicode 
locale extension.

There is one major change since I informed our plan in this mailing list.

In the original proposal, we planned to add a new key "cv" for specifying 
calendar algorithm variants. However, some of the CLDR technically 
committee members who are participating CalConnect raised a concern about 
the separation. I think this was also discussed in this list. The CLDR 
TC's latest consensus is to specify the calendar type including small 
algorithm variations by the calendar keyword ("ca") with optional subtags. 
So, "ca-islamic-cv-umalqura" in the previous proposal is changed to 

I updated the document - 

The actual changes in the calendar definition data file with this will be:

        <key name="ca" alias="calendar" description="Calendar algorithm 
            <type name="islamic" description="Islamic calendar"/>
            <type name="islamic-umalqura" description="Islamic calendar, 
Umm al-Qura" since="24"/>
            <type name="islamic-tbla" description="Islamic calendar, 
tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] Thursday 
epoch)" since="24"/>
            <type name="islamic-civil" description="Islamic calendar, 
tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] Friday epoch)" 
            <type name="islamic-rgsa" description="Islamic calendar, Saudi 
Arabia sighting" since="24"/>

            <type name="islamicc" alias="islamic-civil" description="Civil 
(algorithmic) Arabic calendar" deprecated="true"/>

Because the threeten-dev community was the original requestor for this, 
I'd like to check with this list before making the change in the CLDR 
If you have any major problems with above, please respond to me ASAP. 
We're preparing for opening CLDR survey tool (online tool for collecting 
locale data) for the next major CLDR release. We need to put the new 
subtags into the system soon.


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