[threeten-dev] Clarification request: DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate/Time behavior

Masayoshi Okutsu masayoshi.okutsu at oracle.com
Sun Feb 3 22:05:53 PST 2013

What's the expected behavior of the following code?

   DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.FULL);

Currently, the format pattern is taken from a DateFormat instance if 
it's actually a SimpleDateFormat. The DateFormat.get*Instance behavior 
is affected by the specified Locale for selecting the calendar system to 
use. For example, if the default Locale is "ja-JP-u-ca-japanese", the 
format pattern from a SimpleDateFormat is for the Japanese calendar 
system. But that doesn't seem to be the intended behavior (relying on 
the locale's calendar).


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