[threeten-dev] DateTimeFormatter.withLocale question

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Tue Feb 12 08:05:48 PST 2013

On 12 February 2013 07:40, Masayoshi Okutsu <masayoshi.okutsu at oracle.com> wrote:
> DateTimeFormatter.withLocale doesn't change its symbols for the given
> locale. Is that intentional?

It is intentional, but as I have mentioned on a number of occasions,
I'm far from convinced that the symbols design is the right one, or
more accurately, that the symbols design covers all the relevant use

There are two types of locale here:
- one controls the text, such as "Sunday" in English vs "Samedi" in French
- one controls the numbers, such as 2013 in ASCII or some other set of
digits in Japanese

DateFormat/SimpleDateFormat doesn't distinguish between the two
AFAICT, but 310 is trying to. I'm very open to design options in this


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