[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Initial review of changes to support Hijrah variants

yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com
Tue Feb 12 23:40:55 PST 2013

Just FYI.

I discussed with other CLDR TC members and concluded that we are going to 
add following location extension subtags -

<key name="cv" description="Calendar algorithm variant"> 
    <type name="caltab" description="Islamic - Calendrica arithmetic"/> 
    <type name="mshijri" description="Islamic - Microsoft Hijri 
    <type name="rgsa" description="Islamic - Saudi Arabia visual 
    <type name="umalgura" description="Islamic - Umm Al-Qura calendar of 
Saudi Arabia"/> 

The subtag for Saudi Arabia visual sighting calendar was changed to "rgsa" 
from originally proposed "sa0" for several reasons. Others were unchanged 
since I forwarded my note to this list.

I updated the proposal document [
] and added some notes from the CLDR TC meeting.


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