[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Initial review of changes to support Hijrah variants

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Thu Feb 14 01:23:19 PST 2013

On 13 February 2013 20:40, roger riggs <roger.riggs at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 2/12/2013 6:07 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> - HijrahChronology has Javadoc "CLDR Standard extension". It isn't
> obvious that is intended for use as a Locale extension.
> Updated to refer to Locale extension as used by the Locale class.

I think I'd like to see an example of how to set it using a locale
would be best. Thats because most developers will be unfamiliar with
local extensions.

> - I think we may need to separate variants from chronologies in
> getAvailableChronologies()
> That's more like a parameter than a variant.
> I would put the methods to modify parameters of a calendar on
> the chronology itself where it is needed.

OK, lets leave it as is, with everything being registered. Its a bit
of a gamble, but probably a manageable one.

> - TestHijrahChronology suggests that the getId() method of
> HijrahChronology will return "Hijrah".
> Its probably to be more explicit with Hijrah-umalqura; or something
> similar and readable unless translation/locale lookup will occur before
> presentation  formatting/parsing.

It should return "Hijrah-umalqura" then, although parsing via
of(String) should map "Hijrah" to "Hijrah-umalqura".

> I had assumed that HijrahChronology.INSTANCE would return getId() of
> "Hijrah-umalqura". However, it would be nicer from an ID perspective
> if it didn't, and only those returnes by getAvailableVariants() had
> the suffix.
> That would mean different Chronology instances for Hijrah and
> Hijrah-umalqra;
> but they are the same.   Can we live with the longer name (or make it
> easier to
> read with mixed case, i.e.   Hijrah-Umm-Al-Qura

Its not the upper-casing here, "Hijrah-umalqura" is fine. But
of(String) must parse "Hijrah", "islamic" and "islamicc" alone.

> So I think the BEFORE_AH era can be removed.

Thats your/Oracle's call. You are free to do the same for other
non-ISO calendars, although there is less reason to.

> - HijrahEra can only refer to a hard-coded chronology without redesign
> Or the Era.date(), Era.DateYearDay(), Ea. are removed.

They don't add much value and can be achieved starting from the
chronology. OK to kill them.

> - There is a broader problem of the lack of support for EPOCH_MONTH in
> non-ISO.
> I don't see the value in it, I see only YearMonth as a consumer of that
> field.
> Its not difficult to add but I don't see the benefit.
> It is not needed for formatting;  DateTimeFormatting mentions it but
> there is neither format letter nor a source of the field in parsing.

It turns out to be useful in a number of unusual cases. It needs to be
redefined generally to be based on the proleptic year.


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