[threeten-dev] Draft of new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException update

roger riggs roger.riggs at oracle.com
Sat Feb 23 12:18:23 PST 2013


Issue #245: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/issues/245
suggests that a more specific exception be used for cases
where the field or units or values are unsupported or invalid.

I expect that with some review, the criteria for using the new exception
vs DateTimeException and the addition of @throws 
will need to be refined.

It may be preferable to put the detailed exception into the 
package since developers would normally only need to be using 
if they were catching exceptions.


webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-temporaltypeexception-245/

Please review and comment.

Thanks, Roger

Oracle Java Platform Group

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