[threeten-dev] Please help to review new test code for java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster.adjustInto()

Patrick Zhang patrick.zhang at oracle.com
Mon Feb 25 01:04:11 PST 2013


Not yet.
There are some other change on past several days when I am on vacation. 
So I update it and submit it again just now.
Could you help to push it?



On 2/25/13 4:54 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> Looks good to me. Is Sherman pushing for you?
> Stephen
> On 25 February 2013 02:56, Patrick Zhang<patrick.zhang at oracle.com>  wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> Do you think the updated webrev is ok?
>> Regards
>> Patrick
>> On 2/19/13 8:57 PM, Patrick Zhang wrote:
>>> Hi Stephen,
>>> webrev and test result have been updated.
>>> webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/webrev/
>>> test result:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKLocalDateTime.jtr
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKLocalTime.jtr
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKOffsetDateTime.jtr
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKOffsetTime.jtr
>>> Regards
>>> Patrick
>>> On 2/19/13 6:45 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>>>> Overall, looks good.
>>>> Code like this:
>>>>    OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2012, 3, 4, 23, 5), ZoneOffset.UTC)
>>>> can be replaced by
>>>>    OffsetDateTime.of(2012, 3, 4, 23, 5, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC)
>>>> Code like this:
>>>>    ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2012, 3, 4, 23, 5), ZONE_PARIS)
>>>> can be replaced by
>>>>    ZonedDateTime.of(2012, 3, 4, 23, 5, 0, ZONE_PARIS)
>>>> Code like this:
>>>>    OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(22, 3, 0), ZoneOffset.UTC)
>>>> can be replaced by
>>>>    OffsetTime.of(22, 3, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC)
>>>> Stephen
>>>> On 19 February 2013 09:20, Patrick Zhang<patrick.zhang at oracle.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>> The new added test code is used to checking compabality of adjustInto()
>>>>> for below 5 classes related with date-time, which have implement
>>>>> java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster interface.
>>>>> java.time.LocalDate
>>>>> java.time.LocalDateTime
>>>>> java.time.LocalTime
>>>>> java.time.OffsetDateTime
>>>>> java.time.OffsetTime
>>>>> And we have another general data-time object, java.time.ZonedDateTime,
>>>>> which do NOT implement TemporalAdjuster interface.
>>>>> But we still put it in checking list since it supoorts most of data-time
>>>>> field.
>>>>>   From the description for A.adjustInto(B), it just invokes
>>>>> A.with(temporalField, value) multi times to copy some temporalField
>>>>> value in
>>>>> A to overwrite same temporalField in B. Then A.adjustInto(B) should
>>>>> always
>>>>> works well if B contains all temporalField of A.
>>>>> Since we can get all supported  temporalField list from description of
>>>>> isSupported() method, we can conclude below "adjust" matrix easily.
>>>>> A.adjustInto(B)
>>>>> B: LocalDate B: LocalDateTime B: LocalTime B: OffsetDateTime B:
>>>>> OffsetTime
>>>>> B: ZonedDateTime
>>>>> A: LocalDate Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> A: LocalDateTime NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> A: LocalTime NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> A: OffsetDateTime NA
>>>>> NA
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> A: OffsetTime NA
>>>>> NA
>>>>> NA
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Y
>>>>> Above logic has been implemented in below 4 test classes. I do not touch
>>>>> TCKLocalDate.java since it has included similar logic.
>>>>> test/java/time/tck/java/time/TCKLocalDateTime.java
>>>>> test/java/time/tck/java/time/TCKLocalTime.java
>>>>> test/java/time/tck/java/time/TCKOffsetDateTime.java
>>>>> test/java/time/tck/java/time/TCKOffsetTime.java
>>>>> For more detail, please check webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/webrev/
>>>>> test result:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKLocalDateTime.jtr
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKLocalTime.jtr
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKOffsetDateTime.jtr
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pzhang/JSR310/java/time/adjustInto/TCKOffsetTime.jtr
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Patrick

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