[threeten-dev] CLDR calendar variants

yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com
Mon Feb 25 14:53:25 PST 2013

> Can you give us a link to the upcoming 23 release LDML document?
> thanks
> Stephen

CLDR project committers tend to update the specification at the very end 
of release cycle.

Here is the latest snapshot [
However, we're planning to split the spec into multiple documents for CLDR 
23. So, the spec and its format might be somewhat shaky for next 3-4 weeks 
until official CLDR 23 release.

I've already added the description about the new time zone formatting 
behavior (new patterns added for synchronizing with JSR-310 project). The 
description for "calendar variant - cv" won't be included for this 
release. If we have CLDR 23.1 (which is pretty much likely), we would 
likely add "cv" and its values in CLDR data and the description in the 
LDML spec.


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