[threeten-dev] Comments from Oracle on Threeten APIs
Roger Riggs
Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Tue Jan 15 12:18:04 PST 2013
Several senior Oracle JDK developers reviewed the Threeten API and made
the following proposals and comments to address incongruities between
the JSR 310 java.time APIs and the organization and design patterns of
the JDK.
* java.time.temporal package should be reorganized to improve
usability and gather functionally similar types together.
o The support for non-Iso calendars should be consolidated in a
new package.
javax.time.chrono includes Chronology (renamed from Chrono),
ChronoLocalDate, ChronoLocalDateTime, ChronoZonedDateTime, Era,
and ISOChrono classes. This will help cleanup the mixed-bag of
types in temporal.
o The OffsetDate, OffsetDateTime, and OffsetTime classes are moved
to java.time; these classes have the same level of use as
LocalDate, ZonedDateTime and developers will expect them to be
o The Year, YearMonth, and MonthDay classes are not central to the
API and should be removed; if not removed they are moved to the
java.time package since they are functionally similar to the
other classes in java.time.
o The Temporal package has the interfaces for date-time types, the
frameworks for fields and units, and the adjusters.
* java.time.format package improvements to better align with other JDK
designs and patterns:
o The DateTimeFormatter factory methods currently in
DateTimeFormatters are moved to DateTimeFormatter; it is natural
to look in DateTimeFormatters for the factories and predefined
DateTimeFormatters. Currently, there are no constructors or
factory methods in DTF.
o The print method is renamed to format throughout the 310 API;
the name is a better fit for the function and follows the more
naming pattern used in java.lang.String and the java.util.Formatter.
o For improved usability, concrete date-time classes with a format
(aka print) method should also have a format method that takes
the pattern as an argument, i.e. format("yyyy-mm-dd").
* In JDK class and method names camel-case is prevalent and more
readable, change ISO to Iso.
* Add @FunctionalInterface where appropriate
* Duration.parse - parsing grammars should be specified in EBNF
* The Clocks class would be better as an interface with static methods
(when available).
* The TemporalAdder and TemporalSubtractor should be a single interface.
* The plethora of plusXXX(n), minusXXX(n), methods are adequately
covered by the plus(n, UNIT) and minus(n, UNIT) methods and are
unnecessary and add to the excessive number of methods.
* Implementation notes that are normative should not be labeled
implementation notes which implies the implementation has a choice
of implementation.
* The ISO specific class Month should be named ISOMonth, similarly
perhaps DayOfWeek as ISODay
* The Queries class name is too generic, perhaps TemporalQueries or
move them to the TemporalQuery interface.
* DateTimeBuilder needs work or does not belong in the format package.
Thanks to Mark Reinhold, Joe Darcy, and Brian Goetz and others for comments.
I will followup with issues in the tracker to gather any additional
discussion, comments and resolution.
Since the M6 cutoff is next week, it is unlikely that these can be
addressed for M6.
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