[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] JSR 310 Final Release Materials and Review

Douglas Surber douglas.surber at oracle.com
Wed Jan 22 13:24:23 PST 2014

The JavaDoc for Instant.MAX says

>The maximum supported Instant, 

and for Instant.MIN says

>The minimum supported Instant, '-1000000000-01-01T00:00Z'.

This is +/- 1 * 10^9 years which conflicts with the Instant class 
description which says:

>The measurable time-line is restricted to the number of seconds that 
>can be held in a long. This is greater than the current estimated 
>age of the universe.

Long.MAX_VALUE number of seconds is more than +/- 292 * 10^9 years 
and the universe is 13.7 * 10^9 years old.

Given the class description it seems incorrect that


returns -1.

As an aside, why 'MAX' rather than 'MAX_VALUE' as is used elsewhere?


At 01:42 PM 1/17/2014, Roger Riggs wrote:
>Please review the 
>Release Specification (zip)[1] and materials.
>Updates to the specification since PFD:
>    * <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8031103>8031103: 
> java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and 
> toHours()
>    * The SE 8 javadoc has been used to generate the specification 
> so its appearance is a bit different
>The code coverage is ~93% using jcov and is considered adequate.
>The RI and TCK are the same as for SE 8; since the development of 
>the APIs
>and tests has been done via OpenJDK and earlier open source projects
>their contents are will known.
>The RI and TCK are being made available to official Expert Group 
>members for review
>under a separate email.
>The FAB submission to the PMO is planned for 1/29.
>Please give your approval to proceed with the Final Release or raise 
>any issues
>by Friday Jan 24th.
>Thanks, Roger
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