Annotations on Type

Eric McCorkle eric.mccorkle at
Thu Dec 5 14:10:04 PST 2013

There is a bug filed about this.  I don't remember the ID offhand.

On 12/05/13 17:08, Werner Dietl wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just noticed that the following test is @ignored:
> test/tools/javac/processing/model/type/
> The test doesn't have a valid bug ID, so I couldn't check whether
> anyone is working on it.
> I found this mailing list discussion, which I think was the start for
> this test case:
> In the type-annotations repository, I've added more test cases that
> illustrate another aspect of this issue.
> If you have a generic type like "List<@TA String>" the type annotation
> @TA is correctly put into the String tree.type field (in
> Worker()
> {...}.run()), however, this happens after the type for List is
> generated.
> The List tree only has type "List<String>" instead of "List<@TA String>".
> The later modification of the type of String obviously doesn't modify
> the type argument list for the "List" type.
> only
> takes the un-annotated type.
> When creates
> the list of actuals, it stores these un-annotated types. Later updates
> to the type argument Trees are then not reflected here.
> In a previous iteration, we created an AnnotatedType with empty
> annotations and later filled in the actual annotations. This ensured
> that all locations that referenced the AnnotatedType were updated, but
> had other drawbacks.
> Is somebody working on fixing this test case?
> Any ideas for how we can fix this?
> I pushed the extended test case to the type-annotations repository:
> I also performed a few cleanups:
> - get rid of all "unused import" warnings in langtools javax packages:
> - typo fix:
> - improve an error message:
> - don't build an error String for a simple null check:
> - don't create unused local variable:
> All feedback and reviews for pushing to TL welcome!
> Cheers,
> cu, WMD.
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