Questions about Specialization
Frédéric Martini
frederic.martini at
Mon Aug 25 21:12:45 UTC 2014
First, sorry for my poor english, and I hope this message is appropriate...
I've read the "State of the Specialization" :
And I have some question...
1. Could you confirm me that, if I have a specialized type Box<any T> :
Box<T> will always use reified type when T is a primitive or a type-value.
Box<T> will always use erasure when T is an object type
2. What's about using hashCode()/equals()/toString() in Box<any T> ?
Exemple :
public class Box<any T> {
private T value;
public int hashCode() {
return value.hashCode();
Is it possible ?
Eg with Box<int> "value.hashCode()" will be corrected to
3. I suppose it's forbidden to use the "any" modifier with variance, eg :
public class Box<any T extends Iterable<T>> { // compile error ?
But what's about Comparable, Serializable or Cloneable ?
I think it could be useful to do something like this :
public class Box<any T extends Comparable<T> & Serializable & Cloneable>
implements Comparable<Box<T>>, Serializable, Cloneable {
private T value;
In fact all primitives ares comparable, serializable and cloneable... So
this might be legal after all.
4. I see we can use specialization-specific on method for specific
implementation for reference or a specific primitive type.
But it is possible to use it with a java type ?
It would be interesting for java.util.List and sort() :
public interface List<E> {
<when T extends Comparable<T>
public default void sort() {
default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
So :
List<String> strings = ...
strings.sort(); // OK
List<JButton> buttons = ...
buttons.sort(); // Compile error : JButton don't extends Comparable<JButton>
I think this could be a compile-time check, so even "classic" Generics type
could use that.
Thanks for reading, and replying.
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