"Model 2" prototype status

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Sat Aug 1 09:32:22 UTC 2015

Thanks for the hard work on this.

The Foo<ref> looks like a nice parallel to Foo<any> to my eyes.

On 31 Jul 2015 20:51, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

> Over the past few months, we've been building what we call our "Model 2"
> prototype, and incrementally checking it in.  It now seems stable enough
> for brave early adopters to check out.  (You'll need to build the JDK from
> source.)
> The previous version ("Model 1") was focused on exploring the practicality
> of specialization on the JVM architecture we have today. The compiler
> augmented classes with type metadata that otherwise would be erased away,
> which could be ignored by the JVM but consumed by the specializer.
> Specialized classes were identified using a name mangling scheme (strictly
> an expedience for prototyping, not a long-term plan.) The class loader
> recognizes the name mangling scheme and, if not found in the class path,
> the class loader invokes the specializer to generate the specialized class
> on the fly.
> With these many hacks (name mangling, abuse of class loaders), the result
> was mixed.  On the good side, it worked!  It was possible to write
> specializable generic classes and run them on an only-lightly-hacked JVM.
> On the bad, the resulting language had a significant usability issue -- the
> lack of a nontrivial common supertype between Foo<int> and Foo<String>.
> Of course, we didn't pursue this approach because we thought half-killing
> wildcards was a great idea; we pursued it because it was what worked on the
> JVM we had.  So with the Model 1 prototype in hand, we set out to see what
> could be done about providing a reasonable common supertype for all
> instantiations of an any-generic type.  (We explored a number of possible
> mechanisms and approaches, including several that are more radical than
> where we landed.  Hopefully we will find time to write up some of these
> roads-not-taken.)
> Type variables.  Type variables are divided into two categories; "ref"
> (ordinary) and "any".  Any tvars ("avars") are identified by the keyword
> "any" at their declaration site (for both generic classes and generic
> methods).  If a type variable is not modified by "any", it is implicitly an
> ordinary tvar, and treated just as in Java 8.
>     class Foo<T> { ... }      // T is an ordinary tvar
>     class Bar<any T> { ... }  // T is an avar
> Class hierarchies can be any-fied from the top down.  So it's OK to do:
>     class A<any T> { ... }
>     class B<T> extends A<T> { ... } // T is an ordinary tvar here
> but not OK to do:
>  class A<T> { ... }
>  class B<any T> extends A<T> { ... }
> The rationale for this should be clear enough; specializing a class
> entails specializing its superclasses, and if the superclass is not
> specializable, this won't work.  (Alternately, you can interpret "any T" as
> a union bound ("T extends Object | value"), and its OK to use a narrower
> bound than your supertype, but not a wider one.)
> Restrictions on avars.  Some operations that are allowed on ordinary tvars
> are not allowed on avars, such as assigning a T to an Object, assigning
> null to a T, etc.  These have not changed from Model 1.
> Wildcards.  The big change in Model 2 is the addition of support for
> wildcards over avars.  The problem with wildcards has two facets;
> translational (how do we represent a wildcard type over avars in bytecode?)
> and interpretation (Foo<?> has always been a shorthand for Foo<? extends
> Object>; on the other hand, the "intuitive" intepretation of Foo<?> is "any
> instantiation of Foo.")  The translational issues require some help from
> the JVM to solve (not yet implemented in the prototype.)  The interpretive
> issues are subtle.  While we explored trying to automatically interpret
> Foo<?> according to the common user intuition, this ran afoul of numerous
> compatibility issues.
> So, where we landed is: just as one must specify any-ness at the
> declaration site for a type variable, one must do the same for a wildcard
> (which is essentially declaring an anonymous type variable.) So there are
> two forms of wildcard:
>    Foo<ref> -- describes any reference instantiation
>    Foo<any> -- describes any instantiation
> and Foo<?> will be retconned to mean Foo<ref>.
> Raw types. Raw types have not changed at all from Java 8. As such, they
> are limited to reference instantiations.
> The upshot of this is we can achieve perfect source compatibility; the raw
> type Foo and the wildcard type Foo<?> continues to mean exactly what they
> always did.
> As a proof of concept, I've checked in a limited version of Streams
> (java.anyutil.Stream) that has been ported to the new model.  (Some things
> are still not hooked up yet, but the basic functionality for Stream<any T>
> works.)
> The Model 2 approach needs some (targeted) help from the VM, which is not
> yet in place.  (Specifically, protected/package methods in interfaces, and
> some help for access to private members across specializations of the same
> class.)  Until we have this, protected/package methods in anyfied classes
> will be problematic.
> There are also some compiler limitations, the most significant of which is
> that inner classes don't yet work as instantiations of anyfied classes; you
> have to refactor the inner class to a static named class. (There's no
> fundamental issue here, its just not done yet.)
> Most helpfully, the latest IntelliJ has some early support for anyfied
> generics!  (It's not perfect, but its been really helpful -- thanks guys.)
> Select language level "X" (for experimental) and it will mostly deal with
> any-tvars and any-wildcards, instead of painting your whole program red.
> We'd like to get feedback from people *using the prototype* to anyfy their
> own code.  (I'm sure people have a zillion "why did you / why didn't you"
> questions; we'll try to get to those in a writeup.)  I'll also be putting
> together a writeup on the translation strategy (though brave explorers can
> and surely will reverse engineer this with javap before this happens.)

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