experiences with prototype

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 18:30:50 UTC 2015


I wanted to see what it would take to any-fy a basic subset of java 
collections library. I thought I would start with basic interfaces 
(Iterator, Iterable, Collection, List, ...) and then add basic 
implementations. I quickly learned that any-fying is a viral process. 
Any dependency that uses a generic type variable from any-fied class has 
to be any-fied too. So I had to make a cut somewhere or I would be 
any-fying the whole JDK (exaggerating) :-o ... I removed the methods 
that have connection to Streams API (stream(), splitterator(), ...) and 
parallel methods (FJPool) and got a manageable isolated subset. I though 
I was mostly finished with basic interfaces (which are not just 
interfaces as from Java 8 on they contain implementation too) as I fixed 
the last compilation error when javac crashed.

Since I can't easily isolate the part that crashes javac, here are the 
sources (19 classes) that I'm trying to compile in one go:


Perhaps Maurizio could look at it.

In general, the process of any-fying up to this point went mostly 
straightforward. A couple of pain points I encountered are:

__WhereVal(T)/__WhereRef(T) only works when 'T' is a type variable from 
enclosing generic class. It doesn't work for example with type variables 
from generic methods.

The Object-like methods (equals, hashCode, toString) work for <any T> 
typed receiver, but not when enclosed in __WhereVal(T) { ... } block. 
Why this restriction?

Especially tricky for any-fying was the following AbstractCollection method:

public abstract class AbstractCollection<any E> implements Collection<E> {
     public <any T> T[] toArray(T[] a)

...as it must support things like:

Collection<int> intCol = ...;

long[] longArray = intCol.toArray(new long[0]);

The tricky part was how to code a conversion from values of  type E to 
values of type T when E and T are both any type variables. The 
conversions one would like to support are: identity, widening, boxing, 
unboxing. These tricks are all hacked in javany.util.Any class If 
anybody is interested.

Currently there's no support in prototype to solve the List.remove(int) 
problem, so in my experiment I just renamed the method to removeByIndex.

All in all I was surprised with the level of completeness in the 
prototype as early as this. I'll try to go further with this anyfication 
experiment when the compiler lets me...

Regards, Peter

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