Casting reference array to any-T array.
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Thu Jan 8 02:12:02 UTC 2015
What makes you say that? Right now, specialization is class-load time.
With some possible changes to the VM (to be revealed when more baked)
we can push it later and get more sharing.
On 1/7/2015 7:35 PM, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> Problem is specialization is javac-time, VM not involved.
> Sent from my phone
> On Jan 7, 2015 7:33 PM, "Michael Barker" <mikeb01 at
> <mailto:mikeb01 at>> wrote:
> Yes, but with a slight step further. As you point out specialising
> everything will lead to bloating the number of classes. I was
> thinking about Hotspot specialising some combinations of generic
> classes and specific reference types based on some
> heuristic/profiling information.
> On 8 January 2015 at 11:32, Vitaly Davidovich <vitalyd at
> <mailto:vitalyd at>> wrote:
> Ah, you're talking about specialized classes as a whole (I was
> referring to just the arrays aspect). Yes, if it were to
> specialize every single type, then you'd get better type
> information. Downside is you now explode the number of method
> definitions in the runtime. In .NET, for example, generic
> methods are not specialized for reference types, in part for
> this reason I believe. Generally speaking, the downside to
> creating distinct structures per type is the explosion in the
> number of types at runtime. I encourage you to read this oldish
> blog post by Joe Duffy (MSFT engineer):
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Michael Barker
> <mikeb01 at <mailto:mikeb01 at>> wrote:
> My understand is that it does type profiling at the callsite
> and something like HashMap.hash() will encounter such wide
> variety of classes that it will rarely be anything other
> than fully mega-morphic. My guess was that if there was
> specialised class for a specific reference type then this
> could become mono-morphic.
> On 8 January 2015 at 11:12, Vitaly Davidovich
> <vitalyd at <mailto:vitalyd at>> wrote:
> Right, but the reason I'm doubtful that this will have
> any impact is because the JIT already does type
> profiling, and the runtime types it sees (and the
> statistics around that) won't change due to erasure. My
> "make its life easier" comment was a guess that perhaps
> some code paths in the optimizer don't need to be taken
> (e.g. don't look at profiling info if it now knows
> statically that an array is composed of final classes).
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Michael Barker
> <mikeb01 at <mailto:mikeb01 at>> wrote:
> The current functionality continues with the
> erasure plan. However, I wouldn't mind
> doing better!
> Yeah, I can't immediately think of a critical
> reason why it can't stay erased. For JIT
> optimizer, having a narrower upper bound on the
> type may make its life easier, although I don't
> know if it'll have any material difference. The
> one question is what reflection will do (and any
> code based on reflection, such as custom
> serialization, code generation, etc):
> (Caveat, I'm not a compiler expert so this is a bit
> of a guess.)
> One possible place where this could be used with
> within the optimiser. E.g. if Hotspot could see a
> specialised HashMap<String, String> instead of an
> erased one, then it could determine that calls to
> hashCode and equals would be mono-morphic and apply
> more aggressive in-lining. This could lead to jump
> in performance across a broad ranges of apps (hands
> up who uses Strings and HashMaps :-). My understand
> is that the mega-morhpic dispatch (of
> hashCode/equals) is one of the more significant
> costs within HashMap.
> If that was possible then it would be pretty cool!
> Mike.
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