caution: bleeding-edge ahead!
Victor Nazarov
asviraspossible at
Mon Jan 19 11:10:52 UTC 2015
I still think that class aliasing is the clearest approach proposed. And
I'd like to express my support for this direction.
If we can really make
IntStream.class to be the same as Stream<int>.class
new IntStream() to be the same as new Stream<int>()
We can easily and cleanly implement peeling on top of it.
List example will look like this.
interface List<any T>
extends Collection<T>
specializations __WhereRef(T) ObjectList,
__WhereInt(T) IntList {
/* ... */
T removeByIndex(int index);
T removeByValue(T value);
interface ObjectList<T> extends List<T> {
T remove(T value);
T remove(int index);
default T removeByIndex(int index) {
return remove(index);
default T removeByValue(T value) {
return remove(index);
interface IntList extends List<int> {
int max();
int min();
When interface is used in class declarations, specialized interface version
is used:
class OldList<T> implements List<T> {
Since T is defined as reference above declaration actually the same as :
class OldList<T> implements ObjectList<T> {
This seems clean enough but it spawns some complexity that manifests itself
as follows.
I don't know if it this complexity worth it.
class ArrayList<any T> implements List<T> {
It seems that
ArrayList<int> should implement IntList
ArrayList<Object> should implement ObjectList
ArrayList should somehow inherit set of specializations and implement
different set of interfaces with different type variables.
ArrayList<int> a = new ArrayList<> ();
a instanceof IntList; // ===> true
ArrayList<Object> b = new ArrayList<> ();
b instanceof ObjectList; // ===> true
ArrayList definition should be checked to correctly implement all
specialized interfaces. Since missing interface method implementation
should better be a compile-time error, that run-time (specialization-time
probably) one.
This compile time check is only feasible if we put some constraints on
specialization interfaces, like:
"interface used as a specialization should provide default
implementation for all of it's methods"
Usage of List interface should use specialized version too:
class Test<T> {
List<T> list;
void method1(T value) {
// Since T is reference type, list should be instance of ObjectList
interface and have remove method
Victor Nazarov
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> If this will be achieved (and that's a big IF), then may be it can be
>> pushed even further to:
>> IntStream.class == Stream<int>.class
> Note that IntStream is not simply the result of "take Stream<T> and
> replace T with int." It has methods not in Stream (e.g., sum()), and some
> of the specialized methods not only specialize T -> int but things like
> Supplier<T> -> IntSupplier.
> So the above equality is even a bigger "if" than you are probably
> imagining.
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