hg: valhalla/valhalla/hotspot: Summary: tests to verify "parent-child" access using MethodHandle in terms of nestmates vm exploration

maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Mar 1 14:34:34 UTC 2016

Changeset: 72f65c7e5a5d
Author:    stsmirno <stanislav.smirnov at oracle.com>
Date:      2016-03-01 17:20 +0300
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla/hotspot/rev/72f65c7e5a5d

Summary: tests to verify "parent-child" access using MethodHandle in terms of nestmates vm exploration
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, briangoetz
Contributed-by: stsmirno

+ test/runtime/valhalla/nestmates/MethodHandleInheritTest.java
! test/runtime/valhalla/nestmates/p1/Sup.java
+ test/runtime/valhalla/nestmates/p2/MethodHandleSubTop.java

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